Impulsive Questions

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I stare in complete horror at him .He doesn't find it necessary to step out into the light coming in from the glass roof of the room and stop scaring the shit out of me .
" Oh I have heard about you but mostly in stories . And its not mentioned there that you are the Fatherly sort ."

Why did I just say that?
May be your nervous ?
"Well then  what is it that's written about me ?"
Did any one tell you Hades had a British accent ?
No? Me neither but right now he does .
" One that you are a big ugly beast . Two , that you are very scary . Three . You are the god of the underworld which means you could most  probably kill me right now and I don't want to die so please don't kill me !" I plead and then he does the most unexpected thing . He chuckles and steps into the light . And to be honest he is gorgeous .  The black suit he is wearing glitters whenever the moonlight bounces off it and his dark brown hair has been neatly combed out of his face .
" Do you think those stories are true ? " he asks walking over to my cell . His voice is so soothing ...My eyelids  start to feel heavy .
"I don't know . Appearances can be deceiving I guess ." I whisper feeling the life being drained out of me with every single step he takes .
" You are right little one . They are . Very . very deceptive ." He chuckles darkly this time .

"Get away from her , Hades ." Ulysses' voice comes in from no where and he immediately backs away .
Hades? Back away ? Because of Ulysses ?
This does not make any sense .

"  What were you trying to do ? Kill her ?"
"Well she wasn't doing a very good job at fighting me off ? " he states .
"Its not her fault she doesn't know you feed off her innocence ."
" Its just so interesting that something so pure can be blinded to someone so dark and bitterly beautiful ." I almost hurl at his words because they sound more like he has some hidden attraction towards Ulysses .
He visibly cringes too and I realise that Hades does have a thing for Ulysses and that may have been his hidden motive for trying to kill me .son!start to gain more energy and I ask boldly .
"How long have you two known each other ?"
" Since he was a baby "  He smiles .
"I taught him a lot of things as he grew up ." There is a glimmer in his eyes as he says those words and my stomach clenches . Ulysses clenches his fist .
"  Its sad he got a mate . We could have learnt so much more , right son? " He puts emphasis on the word and  I get this feeling that they may not be related in any way at all .  Ulysses's' eyes meet mine and they plead for me to drop the subject but I don't want to .
"Oh? Like what exactly ,Mr Hades ? Any dark plans or should I say fetishes ? Of destruction of course ."  That question throws him off guard a little when I notice his calm and composed stature being replaced with shock but he is quick to cover it up .
" Yeap," he pops the p .
" Riding the world of emotion ." he suggests and laughs awkwardly before he turns away from us and says ,
" It has been a pleasure meeting you.  I presume we will be in each other's company often ?"
" Looking forward to it ." I literally groan just trying to hold back my anger and disgust .
The images of Ulysses in his arms being toyed with clog my mind and I watch him .
He looks distant , cold even and unbothered . As if he has no single care in the world and it hurts . Getting off the cold floor I climb onto the bed and shut my eyes . Ready to go to sleep , to ran even though I know I probably will be with him in my dreams . I would rather love my made up Ulysses than the one standing in front of me right now .
This moment reminded me of a poem I read once

The outlander

It spoke of a forbidden love where the girl was protected all her life until a stranger stepped into her life at a dinner party one day and she raised the poisoned chalice of his love to her lips and downed all its contents .

That is me right now . I am doomed to love , to drown in a love that is meant to destroy me and I have no where to ran to . No one to scream for . Nothing but emptiness .

Tears roll down my face onto the sheets and i let them flow like a stream which has been held back too long . I let them flow for my dad , for Anne , for Seth and Raphael , for the people I couldn't save , for the people who can't save me . For God .

The gate to the cell opens and Ulysses walks in . He lies down beside me and I expect the bed to catch fire but it doesn't .

" The bed won't catch fire unless we touch . Nothing ever burns up both on my skin or on the inside when we are apart  . The water helps calm me down when I can't sleep which is almost every night because my past haunts me . There is no place that I am safe . There is no place to run to for me . But there is hope for you , Samantha . There is hope ."

His words turn into a whisper as I drift off to sleep . My heart catching fire at every word he speaks and I know he is right .
We are the fire .
We burn on  and on and nothing will ever put us off .

His words continue on even in my dreams .

" They said these emotions were impossible for me to achieve . They say my soul is doomed and yours is too pure for trash like me . They swear I am the prince of darkness but even the blind require a little light to be able to see when plotting evil . They say I will lose this fight against nature but I will win this fight for us , for you ."

His voice gradually fades away but I don't care . I am already fast a sleep .

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