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Seth watches me from the doorway as I stare at the ceiling . Its been three days since the incident and I have still stubbornly refused to leave the safety of this room to go out and see Freya.
"I think its about time you came out for some sunshine."
"You just want me to apologise to her." I groan .
"And you are a coward ." he States flatly.
"No I am not." I object although I know he is yelling the truth .
"Then talk to me about it ." he sighs in frustration .
"Its been three freaking days ,Sam. You won't talk to Freya , you won't go out, you won't talk to me and I am trying not to evade your thoughts but you are making it so damn hard."
"I just don't want to talk about it !" I yell at him,"and I would appreciate if you just left me alone."I add wanting to shut him up. I freeze when I notice how quiet he gets .
Then he says
"Its hard to help someone who doesn't want to be helped but its  harder to love some one who always pushes others away." And with that he is out of the door.
Great. I groan and shut my eyes . I really want to talk to him but I am just scared that if I do more night mares will come in because congratulations to me of course nothing has come up till now.
Seth has been supportive, he still is. He hardly ever leaves my side except on days like this when we fight and I end up pushing him too far .
Deciding I don't want to be on bad terns with him , I throw my legs off the bed and head out to the field where I sure as hell know he is right now .
*  *  *  *  *  *
Seth is shooting arrows at a really high speed and I watch in awe as I walk up to him . His jaw is clenched in anger and each arrow splits the one it meets in the target . I hold his elbow and he pauses.
"I am sorry." I whisper .
"Sorry?!" He spits .
"You don't trust me ,Sam.You still don't trust me even after lying next to me in my bed for three days ." he groans.
"I said I am sorry.  Okay?What do you want me to do?!" I shout at him running my fingers threw my hair.
"Talk to me!" He yells back shooting an arrow.
"Well you don't open up to me too." I state defiantly.
"Okay , what do you want to know? That I am heartless and ruthless! That I am half wizard, have babatian blood and angel blood and that means I am corrupted and that's why my wings and eyes are grey and not as pure as Raphael?!" The velocity of tge air picks up around  us with his words and the wind is mowing blowing hard against our skins. My hair flies over my eyes. I pushed too far again.
"That you won't trust me!!!" He growls but I don't jump away until I notice the arrow making a u_turn and headed right for me . I stay put because I want him to know that I trust him. I know he won't let it hurt me .
"Look at me!" I scream at him as I blink away tears until he catches the arrow as it almost reaches my neck . It is firmly held in the space between the crook of his neck. I touch the tip of my finger to the peak of the arrow and say,
"That is trust ,"  My heart is beating so fast but I don't want him to see me trying not to shake . I had no idea what he could do until now and I guessed what I had seen was nothing compared to how much note damage he could do.
His eyes soften and the storm behind them starts to clear in realization . I whip my tears with the back of hard and sniffle before turning around to leave . He doesn't stop me . I trudge through the grass with difficulty before I decide to stop trying so hard to be strong because I wasn't . Not right now . So I turn back and run to him. He catches me easily and dropping his bow and arrow holds me.  The tears flow as the wind blows over the grass, over us.
*    *   *   *  *   *  *  *
"So does he like you ?" Mark asks me as Sebastian sets my plate of bacon on the table. I just had a sudden craving for meat after my fight with Seth .
I almost choke on my glass of juice .
"Who?" I glance at Sebastian who is grinning stupidly at me.
"Seth ..duh"  Mark scoffs,"Jeez Sebastian was so right . You are slow." I smack him upside down on the head . He laughs at me .
"Who gave you two the right to get involved in my life?" I think of calling it  say love life I decide  against it .
"You did .Well ...since you decided to get hands on in the field." Mark shrugs.
"Not a very seclusive place if you ask me." Sebastian adds. I cup my cheeks in my palms and curse under my breath until Raphael and Freya walk into the kitchen and my appetite disappears into thin air. Really mother nature? Why are you being so darn cruel I want to scream but I just decide to focus on the plate set before me. Suddenly the food doesn't look so good anymore but I take a bit. Both Sebastian and Mark notice my sudden change in mood and Mark says,
"Hey,Sam let's go to my room so you can show me to play that video game." He sounds so natural about it. I guess that's another reason why I like the kid . I kinda envy him right now though .
"Sure .." I say and glance at Sebastian who gives me a look that clearly reads I will be there soon enough .
I sigh and slip off my stool . Without saying a word Mark and I disappear into the hallway .
"You know you don't have to be so closed up. If it were up to me I would say we have a lot in common . " Mark starts up a conversation . I look up at him and smile wondering why on earth Julia hates him so much.
"Oh really? Like what?" I smile .
"Well...Julia for one hates the both of us," I laugh at that . He winks.
"Secondly , we both would rather have a plate piled to the top with bacon than potatoes." I laugh at that too.
"Good enough for you ?" He inquires.
" Sufficient." I reply as we approach his room. I hadn't offered to teach him a game of course but now I really wanted to .
" Hey, let's play a game." I suggest .
"Are you for real?" he says excitedly.
"Yeah"  I chuckle as he opens the door to his room.

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