Chapter 3: anaconda ------------------------

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"Fuck! look what you done got me into Kelly!!" I yelled at My best friend.
"Puta did I put a gun to zho head and say beat that bish?huh?"
I just sat there in Mr.Garistide's office and waited for his Black ass to come and kick our ass out. I can picture that shit right now, him walking in and saying "Get out my school lil ho".......probably not exactly like that but yall get the message. "Kelly you know the gone kick us DF out right" I said. "Bish if the kick us out Ima blow dis shit up, and take mi ass right back to Nicaragua 😒💁 Df " Even though we was jokin.......we was still shiting bricks. About ten minutes later Our principal Mr.Garistide came in with the security guard Vern. They came in one at a time due to the fact that both of they ass is a lemon head away from death😂👏👏. And then I notice a hint of purple (which I thought was a bunch of grapes at first) but it was really that bum ass dragon tale head ass hoe that we beat. The bitch gone ease us like we ain't just mollywop that ass bra😩. So being the fuckin boss ass bitch that I am and I eased her fuck ass right this lil hoe really ain't learn her lesson...but that's fine cause she gone learn today.
GARISTIDE POV-----------------------
"Please have a sit young lady" principle Garistide began

"I'm going to expel all three of you"
There mouths dropped immediately
"What the fuck!!" the three culprits yelled in unison.

"little girls please allow me to finish sentence, and then you can resume your caterwauling" he cut in sarcastically, " now like I was saying, im going to expel the three of you ladies.........if you ever decide to turn this institution of academia into a circus again" the look of relief on there faces made him uneasy so he quickly thought of some sort of punishment that fit the crime. "as punishment you have mandatory after school detention for two weeks, if you miss one day, or come late then its an automatic ten day, outdoor suspension." wow they look mad as fuck but that was all, because they identified the alpha in the room was me, he thought, and unlike my cunt wife, they showed me the respect I deserve. as they left , he called "Te'ara, may I have a word with you?" she looked surprised but said "okay, Mr. Garistside". I have to admit, I loved how she said my name.......Mr.Garistiiiide

. "close the door please" the principle asked in a neutral tone, in an attempt to mask the emotion, and lustin my voice. "have a seat please" I asked. "okay mr.garistide" she said in a very....submissive way. "I was taking a look at your file, and it has occurred to me that you are 19 in the 12th grade". she made a face that made me want to turn-tail and run away, so he hurriedly covered his ass by saying " which isn't out of ordinary at all, just a small difference is all. " her face relaxed, and I thanked God

"I was held back in third grade" she said.

"yes im aware of that, which leads me to my next question, is it hard for you, fitting in with the other students, te'ara?"

she made her signature "Do-You-Know-Who-The-Fuck-I-Am" face, which immediately sent me to say "your right what type of question is that, allow me to rephrase it, 'are you comfortable being around the students, here....because of your age difference, I assume there is maturity gap?" I questioned.

she looked at me.....and remained silent, but her face answered the question for her.

"I see." I said, "well te'ara if you ever feel the need to speak to me about things troubling you..." I placed my hand ever so softly on her shoulder and continued ".....or just wanna talk, feel free to excuse your self from class and come talk to me okay?"

"okay mr.Garistide" te'ara answered was dismissed.

'there she go, she done said it again' he thought as he reclined his brown,leather rolling chair. he could think of nothing else but te'ara as he loosened his pants and reached for his "Johnson&Johnson" baby oil from the bottom of his file drawer. principle garistide double checked the door, as he tended to the bulge that had developed in his trousers from the moment Te'ara spoke his name........."mr.Garistiiide"............


'damn that nigga hand was heavy as fuck' Te'ara thought' felt like a fuckin brick, and was nigga on hard cause swear it looked like he put a biscuit his fuckin pants' she immediately placed 2 and 2 together and pulled out her phone and dialed kellys number, as she headed toward the cafeteria, AKA the Caf, "Hola Mamita, Que paso?" Kelly said from the other side of the phone" Bitch What I Said Bout Talkin That Oye' Shit On The Phone hoe, Where The Fuck You at?" Te'ara Asked, "im in the library" kelly said as she flushed the toilet in the hallway bathroom. "first of all, bitch you cant read so why the fuck would you be in the library? I gotta give you this tea, meet me in the band hallway next to the Caf and call Swany, I think i know how we gone pass this year"...........

To Be Continued

Prediction Question; Will Te'ara

(a) Black Mail, Mr.Garistide

(b) flirt with mr. Garistide

(c) convince Her best friends to have a Foursome with mr. garistide......and then black mail him.


youll find out Monday the answer on Monday.

ps, comment/leave ideas

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