1| An...Android?

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The year was 2038, artificial intelligence was the thing that was going to change the future & it was all thanks to the genius Elijah Kamski, who left Cyberlife years before. (Y/N) was in Detroit at that time, a human. True, it wasn't her homeland, but she certainly felt at home. Back in 2022, the first android passed the Turing Test, a sign that a machine could pass as a human, that they were lifelike, that humanity was as blind as a bat when it came to telling the difference between man & machine. It was terrifying for some, treacherous for others & then there was (Y/N), who'd gotten used to the androids.

The officer in question sat slouched at her desk, head on table. She hadn't yet had her daily caffeine fix & instead of sleeping she stayed up all night at the department, fascinated in the old cases involving the Red Ice Scandal. She'd already read the files a thousand times, but she still loved reading how they stopped havoc.

The DPD welcomed her with open arms when she asked to transport from the Australian Police Department to their division at least 16 hours away from her home country. That was 2 years ago.

Her dad never wanted her to become a police officer, saying it wasn't a 'feminine job' & that 'becoming a lawyer would be a much better idea' but all she ever wanted to do was rid the streets of criminals in big cities like Detroit. He'd remind her of how dangerous it was, telling her to focus on becoming something that was 'easier to achieve' before scolding her if she didn't agree.

Her mother told her to keep dreaming, she was the one who believed in her success as an officer. (Y/N)'s father didn't talk much to his own child once she became a real officer, but her mother couldn't be prouder, until (Y/N) lost it all in a plane crash,

including her parents.

The pain of staying in her home only got worse, so she finally got enough money to get a ticket to fly economy class to her new home. The place she'd heard so much about - Detroit. She didn't need to pack that much, only a few boxes secured tightly with what she truly needed, the rest of her stuff was at her mum & dad's house, but even her room there was barely filled with anything besides lost memories.

A supportive pat on the back was followed by a cup of coffee being placed on the desk in front of her. (Y/N) glanced up, seeing a smirking Hank Anderson towering over her.

"Thought you needed this, I've seen you without your coffee for a day & hell, it's fucking scary."
"What are you doing here at 12:30 in the morning?"
"The reason all of us are here, work."

(Y/N) sat up, feeling small cracks roll through her back, how long had she been sitting there? Hank leaned against the desk, obviously realising she was tired.

"Don't work yourself too hard, alright kid?"
"Please, I've got a dog at home to keep me on my toes. A dog that's a huge baby at times, might I add."
"Yeah, well try to take it easy sometimes unlike some people here. Hell, look at me. I show up to work late almost every day & feel like I barely get anything done. My android gets more done in one day than I do in one month."

She took a sip of her coffee.

"An android? Never thought I'd see the day you owned one."
"Yeah, well it's yours too. It's supposed to be our partner for the new deviant cases."
"But, androids have never- "
"Helped with an investigation? Thing's name- Well, 'his' name is Connor apparently. Insists he's needed for the investigation even though the damn machine follows me around like a fucking poodle nonstop, & I mean nonstop. I'm lucky the bastard stayed behind for some reason. Although I hate to admit it, Cyberlife went out of its way on this model. Hell, it can sample blood & tell who it belongs to & when it was spilt. It's smarter, faster & stronger than any other android I've ever seen, even though I'd feel better if those machines were thrown out & burnt entirely."

More Than A Machine || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now