22| This Pattern Of Bloodshed

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Reader's perspective

"We're short on blue blood & biocomponents." Josh paced as the others listened in. "Our wounded are shutting down & there's nothing we can do!"

"Now President Warren is saying you're all a threat to National security & you need to be exterminated. What do they think we are? Vermin?" (Y/N) snarled.

"Humans are conducting raids in all the big cities & they're taking androids to camps to destroy them!" North told.

"This is turning into a critical disaster, they're slaughtering your people!"

"It's all our fault..." Josh muttered, loud enough for everyone in the secluded room to hear.

"None of this would've happened if we'd just stayed quiet."

"Markus?" (Y/N) grasped the attention of the leader as he turned to face his comrades.

"We couldn't just suffer in silence, they're killing us! Nothing is gonna justify that."

A silence sat unsteady in the boat, Markus's head down as he contemplated his next move.

"What's the point of being free if no-one else is left alive?" Josh asked, causing Markus to turn back to them all once again.

"Humans enslaved us! I'll never regret standing up to that." He looked over at the only human standing with them. "No offense."

"None taken. Fighting with each other right now isn't going to solve anything. Besides, let's not forget who our real enemies are." (Y/N) was missing Hank more than anything right at that moment. She was so worried about him. How would he react if he knew what she was doing? What would he say? She couldn't stomach the fact that she was betraying her people to do the right thing. What about Blue? Was he still laying in his usual place, stretched out right in front of the door, awaiting her arrival?

"Remember we recruited you because we knew you were different, you see a people instead of a few objects & slaves." Josh looked at her with sympathy.

"Then why do I feel regret?" (Y/N) asked, confused. She motioned to herself. "Why do I not know who's side I'm on when I know I'm doing the damn right thing? Why are humans so fricking complicated?"

No-one had the answer.

"She's right." North broke the silence. "All that matters now is what we do next. Markus?"

He stared off into an abyss for a moment, after all, what would anyone do if they had to decide the fate of an entire community?

"Dialogue. It is the only way. I will go alone, try to talk to them one last time."

"Don't do this, Markus." North looked at her lover. "They'll kill you!"

"Maybe...but North, I have to try. If I don't come back, lay low as long as you can."

"I'm coming with you." (Y/N) straightened her posture.

"No, (Y/N). If you get hurt, who knows what the consequences will be. They may blame us, leading to an onslaught. We all need you to stay here."

She nodded, knowing the android's words weren't advice, but a warning for her as a friend.

"They need to realise how much they're hurting us. Find the right words & they'll listen." That was the last thing Josh said before exiting the room.

(Y/N) could feel the tension in the room as the couple looked at each other.

"I'll give you guys a moment." She nodded, exiting the room & looking out at the deviants seeking shelter. She wondered how she ended up in this situation, away from home, away from friends. What was Blue doing? Sitting at the door, anxiously awaiting her arrival that may never come? She checked her phone for the first time in the past few days, it had blown up with voice messages from Hank, even though he despised leaving them.

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