1 - Chickin

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Wherein Jisoo and Lisa are fighting over a chicken


"I think, the breast part is the best part of the chicken," Lisa said while slicing the chicken on her plate. "I mean, you can have it all, the juicy skin, the tender meat, and it has no bone" Lisa smiled widely and feed herself.

But the girl in front of her raised her brow at Lisa, she does not like her opinion.

"It was the drumstick part, Lisa. And you know that" Jisoo said and raised her drumstick. "See you can eat it with your hands," Jisoo said.

"You can also eat the breast part with your hands" Lisa countered her.

"But the breast part has a lot of meat, and it's not fun eating just the meat of the chicken," Jisoo said to countered her too.

"That's the part of eating a chicken, for its meat?"

"But the most delicious part was the seasonings go, the skin. And the drumstick is covered with it" Jisoo furrowed her eyebrows before glaring at her.

And Lisa did the same and glares at her too.

"I just love eating whatever part it is," Rosé said on their side, and munching her food.

"Same with Rosé," Jennie said and did the same with Rosé and munch their food.

"Come on pick sides," Lisa said with a hint of irritation on her voice.

"They don't need to choose, Rosé is at my side and Jennie was in yours," Jisoo said and pointed at the chicken that they're eating.

And she was right, Jennie was eating the breast part and Rosé was eating the drumstick part.

"Umm... Lisa, personal space?" Jennie said and tries to push away Lisa on the shoulder.

"Since you're the only person I trust in this house since you're a breast lover" Lisa paused and think on what she said. "That comes out weird, but you know what I wanted to say. You see, Jisoo has been battling me on the best part ever" Lisa continues. "And I have a plan to beat her," Lisa said and smirked at Jennie.

"No, I'll pass," Jennie said coldly and was about to walk inside her room but Lisa stopped her by blocking her way.

"I'll do your laundry," Lisa said trying to bribe Jennie. Lisa knows that Jennie doesn't need material things since she can it buy on her own. "For one week, I'll do your laundry" Lisa added, she smiled. She also knows that Jennie hates doing her laundry.

"Still no" Jennie coldly said and was about to go inside but Lisa held her elbow to stop her.

"2 weeks?" Lisa asked and Jennie shakes her head. "1 month" But Jennie still shakes her head. Lisa sighed "Fine, for the whole year?" She asked and finally, Jennie smiled at her.

"That's what I want," Jennie said and messed her hair. "Message me your plan, I'm gonna sleep don't bother me," Jennie said and rushing to her room before Lisa could stop her.

Lisa smiled evilly when she heard Jennie's door closed.

Jisoo smiled at Rosé who was busy munching Jisoo's cookies. "Rosé do you want more?" Jisoo asked.

"Yes, please," Rosé said while still munching her cookies and extend her arm holding a bowl to have some more.

"But you need to do one thing for me," Jisoo said and smiled.

"Sure we'll beat Jennie and Lisa on your mini-competition about the best part," Rosé said and Jisoo raised her eyebrow at her, she was confused on how did Rosé knows about the competition. "We'll I heard both of you from Lisa's room. I thought you were arguing because you're cursing Lisa's name, so I waited then after of cursing at Lisa. Lisa went out of her room sweating hard. And I asked her" Rosé said while telling her the story.

"What else did you hear Rosé?" Jisoo asked and blushed hard.

"Just the screaming, shouting, and cursing" She shrugged her shoulders and Jisoo nodded still blushing.

"Let's stop talking about this" Jisoo said as a distraction. "So you'll gonna help me?" Jisoo asked and Rosé nods.

Jisoo smiled evilly and laugh like a demon.

"When will I have my cookies?" Rosé asked ruining Jisoo's moment.

On the day of the competition, the best part challenge. The battle of the chicken parts

Lisa and Jennie wore red to support the breast part. While Jisoo and Rosé wore blue to support drumstick, Jisoo also wore a drumstick headdress.

The mechanics of their game was to convince the other team that the best part of the chicken and the loser will admit that the best part of the chicken was their opponents favourite part.

Lisa was the first person to showcase their chicken. Lisa placed two bowls of breast part of the chicken in front of them.

"It looks so yummy," Rosé said while clapping her hands.

"Looks normal to me," Jisoo said.

"It's Rosé favourite restaurant, so she'll say yes to this" Lisa laughed.

Her plan was just at least gets Rosé vote to win. Because she knows Jisoo will lie and will still say no to her chicken.

They both eat the chicken at the same time. "Wow," Rosé said after having one bite. And took another bite.

But Jisoo didn't have her second bite. "Not good enough, it's a no" Jisoo said and wipes her mouth with a napkin.

And everyone waited for Rosé to finish her chicken before saying her verdict.

Lisa smirked when she saw how satisfied Rosé is with her food.

"Was it good, Rosé?" Lisa asked and Rosé nods without hesitation.

"Rosé, I said you'll say no to them" Jisoo groans.

"I can't say no to my favourite restaurant" Rosé pouts and smile in guilt.

Lisa laughed victoriously and high five Jennie. "We're gonna win this" Lisa said and winked at Jisoo.

It's Jisoo's turn to bring her chicken to them. She placed the bowl of chicken to them. Lisa looked at Jisoo who was smiling happily. Her eyes were focused to Jisoo's smile rather than the chicken.

Lisa smelled to found what restaurant she gets it. "What restaurant is this?" Lisa asked.

"Jisoo cooks it herself," Rosé said. "I helped her!" She cheerfully said. "And she also cut herself a lot" She added and raised Jisoo's hands and shows her wounded hand.

"Are you okay?" Lisa asked with concern voice.

Jisoo smiled and hides her hand away from Lisa. "I'm Jisoo. I'm okay" she giggles.

And with that Jennie and Lisa have a bite on Jisoo's chicken. It was not good, and both of them know it.

"Wow, I love it," Lisa said with surprise looked. "The skin is really amazing, you're right unnie" Lisa added and took her second bite until she finishes the chicken. "Jennie and I love it, you won" Jennie nods confusingly on Lisa's decision.

Jisoo and Rosé clapped her hands. While Jennie gave her a meaningful look.

Jisoo and Rosé went back to the kitchen to get some more.

"It's not good, and you know that," Jennie said and raised her eyebrow at her.

"I know" Lisa paused and looked at Jisoo's way "But I love her" She added and smiled widely.

Jennie stands up and sits in front of Lisa so Jisoo can sit next to her.

"You lose Lisa, what will you do?" Jisoo teasingly said. "Say it Lisa"

"The drumstick is the best part of the chicken," Lisa said and wrapped her arms around Jisoo shoulder. "But you want to know the best part of my life?" Lisa asked and looked at Jisoo. She raised her brow at her. "You," She said and steal a kiss on her.

"Yay! Get a room you two" Jennie squealed covering Rosé eyes.

"Why? What happened unnie?" Rosé asked innocently. And the three of them laughed.


A Christmas present for all the Lisoo shipper out there

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