5 - Family (Lisoo version)

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Wherein Lisa had feelings for Jisoo's sister

From take a shot's/Jenlisa family one shot.


Lisa was swinging herself alone in the park outside her apartment. It's only three days since she arrived in Korea and she doesn't have any friends yet.

She sighed when she remembered that she didn't bid her goodbye at Jennie. Although she's hurt with the rejection she got from her.

Jennie, was her crush, her puppy love back in New Zealand. She was this cute transferee, but a very warm person if you get to know her.

Lisa smiled on the image of Jennie that was formed on her mind. She remembered every detail of how she showed her gummy smile at her.

She stops smiling when she noticed someone take her seat beside Lisa and was holding a heating pad to warm herself in this cold weather.

The girl noticed her, she formed a smile on her heart-shaped lips. Lisa quickly looked away, she becomes shy having a stranger around her.

"You're the new kid from across the street right?" She giggles while asking. Lisa shyly nods without even looking at her. "I'm Jisoo, I live 2 blocks away from your house" She added and extended her arms for a handshake.

"Lisa" She shyly said before accepting her hand.

"Welcome to the neighbourhood," Jisoo said and smiled widely at Lisa. She didn't know why her heart reacted differently from how Jisoo smiled at her.

On the next day, Lisa was on the playground like her usual routine. She always spends her time alone just to reminisce her time in New Zealand.

"Do you miss your home?" Jisoo asked while taking her seat beside Lisa. "I'm sure it's hard for you to adjust" She added.

"I actually missed the former place I used to call home," Lisa said and smiles weakly. "I'm from Thailand, but I lived in a foreign country to study but my parents sent me here in Korea to live with my father" Lisa narrated her story while Jisoo focused on her.

"I'm sure from your former home, the people that you miss also feel the same" Jisoocsaid and caresses her back. "Cheer up, now," Jisoo said and showed her smile at her.

Lisa didn't know but the moment Jisoo smiled at her actually cheer her up.

"You're cute when you smile" Jisoo mentioned when Lisa showed her sweet smile at her.

She reminisced how she was just like Jisoo to Jennie before. Her smile fades when she mentioned Jennie's name to herself.

"Is it about someone?" Jisoo asked when she noticed how her mood quickly changed. "Let me guess, your lover?" She said with a teasing smile.

Lisa giggled and shook her head. "We were not really together," she said. "Unrequited love" She simply said.

"How can they not love you?" Jisoo asked. "It's her loss" She giggles but the other girl didn't giggle nor smile at her.

"Hey, I'm sure you'll get over her" Jisoo said caressing her back.

"It's easy to say, but it's hard to do" Lisa sighed. "We really are a sucker for advice" Lisa giggled.

"I agree on you on that," She said and giggled. "But trust me when I say you'll be alright," She said and smiled widely at the young girl.

Her smile is like a virus that can make you smile too. And with that, Lisa didn't know that she'll be falling in love with her smile.

The two really get along together, since the day they met, Jisoo never fails to make her smile.

To ease the pain that she felt before, now she knows she can finally say she's okay. After years of forgetting Jennie. It was hard since she never felt like that before, but with the help of Jisoo, she finally did it.

"My mom died," Jisoo said in a cracked voice, on their same spot where they met.

Lisa quickly wrapped her arms around her shoulders. "I'm sorry to hear that," She said while caressing her back.

"I haven't got the chance to say goodbye to her," She said while crying hard. "I'm not a good daughter at all," She said.

Lisa kissed her temple, trying to ease her pain like how Jisoo did before. "No, baby. Don't blame yourself" She said.

Seeing Jisoo hurt makes her heart in pain. She doesn't want to see her in pain ever again. And on that night she promised herself that she'll protect her.

Lisa kissed her forehead when she was fast asleep on her bed. They were at Lisa's apartment.

Lisa fixed herself, she saw Jisoo's wallet laying on the ground. She smiled and pick it up. She opened it and saw a picture of her family when she was younger.

She takes all the pictures in it since she's really curious about her sister. They barely talk about her, but when they do, Lisa saw how she missed her sister.

Lisa stopped on a particular picture inside her wallet. She was trembling while looking at it. "Jennie" She whispered.

The next morning, Lisa was still bothered on the picture on her wallet.
"Baby" Lisa said and kissed her lips while Jisoo was preparing for their breakfast. "Are you excited?" She asked.

"Where?" She asked.

"Your sister is coming back" Lisa simply said.

"Of course, I can't wait for you to finally meet her" Jisoo smiled. And just like that, she felt that her lips were smiling too.

'Those smile' Lisa whispered while watching her. She was just staring at her lips, the lips that formed a smile at her at the park, where they first met and made her feel happy. The same lips, that she kissed on the same park, where she told her she loves her. 'I can't lose that smile' Lisa whispered to herself.

Lisa heaved a deep breath when they arrived at the airport, they're where going to pick Jennie up.

Jisoo was about to go out and look for her sister, and she'll stay at the car when Lisa grabs her wrist and dragged her closer for a hug.

"I will come back soon, don't act as if I'm leaving" Jisoo giggled. But Lisa buries her face on her neck.

She was feeling anxious meeting her first love again, she prepared herself for this.

"I love you" Lisa assured herself that she loves Jisoo and she should be focusing on her.

"Don't be nervous, she's just my sister" She giggles and flicked her forehead.

Jisoo headed her way inside but stopped before she can enter the airport and looked back at Lisa. "I love you too," She said and smiled at her. And just like that she automatically smiles too.

After minutes of waiting outside, Jisoo walks out of the airport. She smiled seeing her girl walking her way at her. But her smile fades seeing behind her, Jennie.

Slow-motion happened while watching Jennie walk towards her. She placed her hand on her chest feeling her heart that slowly beating seeing her again. 'No, it can't be' she said to herself.

Lisa acts as if she doesn't know Jennie, but her heart tells her to hug her. But she didn't. "Nice to finally meet you," Lisa said and offer her hand as a friendly gesture.

Jennie grabs her hand, she felt an electric feeling with her touch. She hated herself for feeling it.

Lisa looked back at Jisoo. Guilt was the feeling she felt while looking at her.

'I'm sorry' Lisa said to herself. She promised to protect Jisoo from pain but she didn't know that she's the one who'll give her pain.

it's been a while hehe

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