Meeting the king

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"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

With that the two boys turned to leave and were soon swallowed by the darkness of the woods around me. I decided to go to sleep immediately seeing we would probably have a long days walk tomorrow I wanted to get a good nights rest.

I snuggled into my sleeping bag and watched the fire die down slowly and I think I fell asleep soon after.

Next thing I know I feel sick and dizzy, so I lean my hot cheek against the cool tiled wall. There is loud music in the background and the bass is pumping and I can feel it vibrating through my stomach. This makes me want to throw up even more. I am in a dimly lit corridor and feel my way forward until I reach a door.

When I open it a cold neon light momentarily blinds me, I blink a few times before I realise I am in the girls restroom. Judging from the slutty dressed girls that reapply their makeup in the mirrors and the pumping beats that are still audible in here, I think I am in some sort of bar or club.

By now I am beyond the point of freaking out when I switch into this other world, I just try to cope and adjust. My bigger problem now is to find an empty stall quickly before I have to throw up. Luckily there is one but I get some ugly glares and curses when I push past the girls waiting in line to get into it and slam the door shut.

I make it to the toilet in time and empty the contents of my stomach into it. Urgh, I hate puking my guts out and I cough and spit for a few minutes after I'm done then I push myself up from the floor, flush the toilet and stumble out of the stall to the next available sink.
I don't think I'm drunk though, it feels different, like I'm having a horrible cold or so, my headache is killing me at the moment and my vision is distorted.

I take a few handfuls of water to rinse my mouth out and splash my face when I notice red drops falling from my face into the sink I look up to check in the mirror and find that I have a nosebleed. I also find that I look like a zombie, strands of my hair are struck to my wet forehead and I have dark bags under my bloodshot eyes my skin is sickly pale and the fact that by now there is an alarming amount of blood running from my nose down to my mouth doesn't help the case. To be honest I also feel half-dead right now.

I take a ball of toilet paper and press it onto my nose then I leave the restroom, I don't feel well at all and I need to go home. Problem is I don't know with who I came here, so I start to stumble amongst the people on the dance floor looking for familiar faces but I don't recognise anyone. People start to stare at me wide eyed and shocked. I probably look like a horrible drug addict that has gone completely off the rails.

The pain in my head gets so intense probably triggered by the loud music that it effects my sight, everything goes blurry and I nearly loose my balance. Suddenly somebody comes up to me and takes me by the arms shaking me slightly to get me to focus, he talks to me and I can hear him, I just cannot comprehend what he says, it is like a foreign language to me although I am sure he speaks English. I know his face but I can't remember who he is, he shakes me again and he gets a scared look on his face, that is the last thing I see before my legs buckle under me, my head tilts back and darkness surrounds me, I think I just passed out.


I wake up because I feel lips pressing softly on mine, it just lasts a moment and when I slowly open my eyes I see Alan with a smug smile on his face looking down at me. "You were like Sleeping Beauty here, we tried to wake you up for minutes."
I push myself up on my elbows and, yes I am back in the woods, I feel a lot better and as I look around I notice Alex sitting on my other side watching me wide eyed.

I remember the nosebleed and my hand shoots up to my face but I can't feel anything unusual, so I turn to him. "What?"
He seems to snap out of his staring mode and shakes his head. "Nothing" he mumbles his eyes averted. "We should be going, it is a long way." He gets up and holds out his hand to pull me up.

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