Cries like rain

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I sit in an uncomfortable grey plastic chair and have my head buried in my hands. Of course I have no idea what I am doing here as I just jumped into this situation, by now I seem to have become a decent 'traveller' between the realities. No panicking, no chocking, people don't seem to notice when I 'enter the scene'. Well I still don't know what happens when I get drawn out of it, does this reality continue to exist?

It's a bit like the famous Schroedinger's cat experiment, where you cannot define if the cat is dead or alive until you open the box to look at it. Anyway, look it up if you're interested, I don't have the nerve to explain right now.
What I want to say is, I don't know if these worlds and the people in it only come to life the moment I fall into it and cease to exist the moment I leave this reality.

As I sit there and contemplate about this problem, I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up for the first time since I have been here.
It is Vic and he looks concerned.

"Mel? Is everything okay? You haven't spoken a word since you came back." He searches my eyes for an explanation but I bet I look pretty blankly at him.

"Back from where?" I know he will probably flip out again but I can't stop myself from asking this. Strangely he does not shout at me but falls back into his chair looking up to the ceiling, sighs deeply and rubs his face, he looks tired. I bet I look tired too. I feel awful. And if this room would have a bench I would try and get some sleep but the only thing in here is a row of these horrible chairs and a table with magazines on it.

He let's his hands fall into his lap and answers with a flat and monotone voice that shows no emotion. "We have been here all morning, they have done several tests on you and you have been scanned and x-rayed, blood-tested and what not. They want to find out what's wrong with you. And now they are finished and we have to wait until they have all the results." He looks at me somewhat angry. "In case you can't remember."

I have stared at the floor when he explained this, trying to process the information but I look in his face at the last sentence.
"Vic, I am sorry that I can't remember but I am not doing this on purpose or to aggravate you, believe me." I say relatively calm, I am too tired to have another fight with him.

He jumps up and crouches in front of my chair taking my hands in his. "I'm sorry Mel. I didn't want to be mean to you. It's just... I don't know.. It gets to me but I shouldn't be like that, I am an asshole. I came here to support you but I am making it all worse. I'm sorry." He puts his face into my hands and I can feel him shivering, he probably tries not to cry.

"Hey, Vic it's okay. I am glad you're here. Don't beat yourself up about this. Things like that are nerve wrecking." I stroke his cheek and my head snaps up as I hear someone entering the room.

"Having a moment here, huh?" Alex enters with his usual smirk on his lips carrying three mugs of what I assume to be coffee. "I can leave, you know, come back later." He offers half joking.

I get up and Vic sits back on his chair. I practically throw myself into Alex's arms and he just manages to get the mugs out of the way so I don't spill them over his shirt. He holds me with one arm as he places the coffee on the little table and then hugs me tilting his head so he can nuzzle his face in my hair. "Sh, sh, Baby. Don't worry, I'm here." He tries to comfort me and I notice I am shaking hard in his embrace.
My tears running down my face but I don't really know why. "Ally, I'm so glad you're here." I manage to choke out.

"Ally?" He chuckles. "You haven't called me that in years. I nearly forgot about your pet name for me." He places little kisses to the side of my face and I slowly calm down as we stand there in an embrace and he sways us lightly from side to side.

After a while I take his hand and sit down, pulling him into the chair beside me and I take Vic's hand who sits at my other side in my other hand. I look from him to Alex and back and force a brave smile onto my face. I am thankful that two of my friends are here with me although I am still terrified of what the doctors might find out. Maybe I have a mental illness. Maybe I am schizophrenic. We wait in silence for the results and it feels like time stands still.

I don't know how much time has passed when finally the door opens and a man in a white coat enters the room, I assume he is the doctor.

He has a clipboard in one hand and looks at it before he starts to talk. "Uhm, Mel, we have completed the tests an-

I feel the familiar pull that's starts to draw me backwards and I know I am about to be drawn out of this reality, but I need to stay here. I need to hear what the doctor has to say. I hold onto Vic and Alex's hand in an attempt to stay seated but I can already feel me losing it. I try to scream. "No, no. Please. Tell me what is it? What is wrong with me?"

It's too late I'm gone. No. NO.

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