Chapter 3: Makeup Then Lies

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Ally and Harry arrived at her hotel room.

"You don't need to help, I can do it myself." Ally was mad at Harry for wasting her time an then ruining her day with Zayn.

"Ally stop I want to help."

"So now you want to pay attention to me now that it's just me and you? Harry you ditched me the whole day when this was suppose to be a day where we got to hang out. We practically just met and your already ruining whatever it is that we have!"

Ally was glad she could finally get out what she had to say.

"Ally I'm sorry I don't know what else to say its just I guess I shouldve warned you that I'm really competitive." Harry didn't realize that now he was the one being the jerk, he invited her to hang out with Ally.

Ally was about to say something but Harry wasn't finished "And what do you mean whatever we have? So we're just friends?"

"I don't know what we have! Sorry if I hurt your feelings when I said friends but you never said we were anything more!" Ally was annoyed with Harry but she really liked him even though she just recently met him.

"I hope I can explain that we're more than just friends." Harry kissed Ally, but it wasn't like he kissed her when they met. He was passionate and it did show that he wanted to be more than a friend.

When they finally pulled away, Ally looked at the clock. "Harry! I need to do do my research project!" Ally started scrambling through her books looking for something to start with.

Harry grabbed her hand "Ally, relax." He kissed her lightly. "I will help you and we will get it done, I promise." He kissed her again and then they got to work.

It was now 3 o'clock and Harry and Ally were just now finishing up her research project.

Ally was exhausted but Harry kept her awake by giving her a kiss on the cheek every once in a while. "It wasn't suppose to take that long Harry I'm really sorry for holding you up!" Ally really did feel bad, she knew he had important things to do tomorrow.

"It's fine, I wanted to stay, besides if we haven't had got so easily got distracted we wouldve gotten done quicker." Harry wished they didn't just have to do school work but he promised Ally that he would help her.

Ally sprawled out on her bed, ready to crash. "Paul is going to be so mad, you better get back Harry."

"He wont be worried I told the boys to tell him don't wait up." Harry smiled and went over to Ally's bed, leaned down to her and kissed her. "Let's watch a movie!" He suggested.

"I can't believe you can keep your eyes open but sure.." Ally was half asleep already but managed to get out of bed and put in Love Actually into the DVD.

Ally couldn't make it through the movie, she was half asleep when she think she heard "Ally I really like you, will you be my girlfriend?"

Ally didn't know if she was dreaming or not but replied "Yes, I would love to."

In the morning Ally woke up in Harry's arms. "Morning love" Harry said softly. Ally was confused "Morning, Harry did you stay here all night?"

"Well you fell asleep with your head on my shoulder and I didn't want to wake you up so I stayed here."

"Harry.. I was wondering, did you say something last night.. That umm... Uhh never mind." Ally felt weird asking him about what she heard so instead she ignored it and got up to get ready.

"Ally I did, let me start over, would you like to be my girlfriend?" Harry was glad that Ally sort of heard him. The only problem was, Harry wasn't going to be staying in London the whole summer.

"I guess I did hear you right, and my response is still the same." Ally kissed Harry but they we're interrupted by a banging on the door. Ally opened the door it was Louis "Hi umm I need to talk to Harry, Harry can you come here I need to talk to you privately." Louis seems worried, and now Ally was too.


"What do you mean Caroline is here?! Is she at this hotel?" I tried to say it as quietly as possible so that Ally wouldn't hear.

"She's here in London and she's staying at this hotel. I accidentally ran into her and she asked if we could meet up tomorrow night for dinner. I was so shocked that I agreed to it and now we all have to be there."

"No way I'm going Louis, it's my last night with Ally tomorrow, I want to spend it with her." There was nothing that Louis could do to make him go.

"Harry, you have to go, she said that she has pictures of you and Ally and even if you aren't really together she said she would post the picture and start rumors if you don't go to the dinner."

"Blackmail?! This is what are relationship has come to! Fine I will go but I promise I won't enjoy it."

I would do anything for Ally especially since if I don't go she wouldn't hear the last of it from the fans.

Louis turned to leave but I stopped him "and just to be clear, between me and you, Ally and I are together."

---- Sorry not all my chapters are the best but I promise it will get better! Thanks to my readers and follow me on twitter @1Dinfection9715 or instagram @directionertakesoverr

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