Chapter 4: Princess' Found

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Hi! For those of you that are reading my fanfic, I would love to hear some feedback! Feel free to comment!

Chapter 4:

"What was that about?" Ally was curious as to what was so important that Louis needed to tell Harry.

"It was nothing, he just Uhhh wanted to tell me that we have a photoshoot today and it got rescheduled for right now!" Harry didn't like lying to Ally, then again it wasnt a total lie, they did have a photoshoot right now. He just didn't want to tell Ally what really happened because he didn't want her worrying. "Anyways.. Would you like to come?"

Ally was a little suspicious if that was really what Louis told him, but she let it go. "I want to but I was suppose to hang out with Claire today... Maybe she could come too please?"

"Of course anything for you my love, we can pick her up on the way there, so finish getting ready and I will meet you back here in 15 minutes." On that note Harry quickly kissed Ally and ran to his hotel room to get changed.

When they arrived, Harry knew there was going to be paparazzi. "Ally and Claire all I need you to do is put your hoods up and look down, the security guards will try to cover as much as they can but you don't want them getting a picture of you."

Ally knew these were the consequences of dating a superstar but accepted it, it wasn't that bad.. Not yet at least.

They finally got inside and Claire ran up to Niall and gave him a big hug and kiss. "I've never seen Claire so happy and I've known her my whole life." Ally was so happy for her friend, plus he was a little jealous that they clicked right away.

"You know I have never seen Niall that happy before either" Harry added with a smile.

"That's because I found my princess." Niall came up right behind Harry, Claire holding onto his arm. "You ready to go change for the shoot Haz?" Niall gave Claire a kiss and Harry gave Ally a kiss and they walked away.

Throughout the shoot Ally always kept catching Zayn looking at her instead of the camera. She hoped that they couldn't tell in the pictures, she didn't want Zayn to have to explain himself to Harry. Then again, it's not like Zayn liked her, they only hung out once.

"Hey Ally!" Zayn was the first one out of the changing rooms ready to leave. He decided to go over to Ally hoping he could talk to her for a little.

"Oh hey Zayn!" Ally gave Zayn a hug, his arms were so strong and she could just bury her head into his chest and wish to stay like that forever. Wait, Ally thought, she is with Harry now, like actually with him, boyfriend and girlfriend, she cant be wishing to stay in Zayns embrace. She pushed away fast.

Zayn noticed she pulled away fast but didn't say anything, he didn't want to ruin the moment.

"So thanks for hanging with me yesterday" Ally said trying to not be awkward. "I was just upset that Harry wasn't spending time with me, but kept forgetting that we weren't going out so he didn't really need to be with me at all times."

"It's fine! I had a lot of fun, and he should have spent more time with you. If I brought you date or whatever it was I would have treasured every moment to be with a girl as beautiful and fun as you, even if we weren't going out" Zayn realized he shouldn't have said that much but wanted Ally to know that she was special to him, it might seem like they don't know each other but they spent the whole day together, chatting away and having a great time.

"Oh we'll thanks Zayn, your so sweet." Ally wasn't sure if Zayn knew Ally and Harry were now together but she would soon find out.

Right as she said that Harry came back, walked over to Ally and kissed her, "How is my lovely girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend?" It was Zayn, he had now just found out.


Ally and Harry spent all their time together the past few days, joined at the hip. But since today was their second to last day together they were all going to go out to dinner. When everyone was in the car together on the way to the restaurant, Ally was sitting next to Claire and Harry while Zayn was across from her. Zayn avoided all contact with her. She noticed something was wrong because he hadnt talked to her since the photoshoot.

When they got to the restaurant Ally made sure she sat next to Zayn so that they could talk. After they ordered Zayn got up to go outside to smoke (something everyone was annoyed with) and Ally didnt get to talk to Zayn yet. She decided to follow him outside.

"Uhhh Harry I'm going to go outside to get some fresh air."

Ally went up to Zayn. "Hey, what's wrong Zayn?" You seemed all shook up after you found out that me and Harry are together now."

The chills went down Zayns back when he heard the words 'Harry and Ally' and 'together'. Except Zayn didn't want to ruin him and Ally's friendship. "No nothing is wrong I was just umm surprised that you guys are already together" Zayn lied and he felt bad but he knew he would hurt both Ally and Harry by telling her his true feelings for her.

" I get that your surprised but he grew on me quickly and he's such a great guy..but okay thank godmad your not mad at me" Ally grabbed Zayn and gave him a big hug. She thought Zayn liked her more than a friend but she was glad she was wrong. Before they went back inside they made sure they exchanged numbers so they could stay in touch after Zayn and the boys leave.

They finished eating, everyone had a great time together. Harry took Ally back to her hotel room and decided to come in so they could talk. "Ally, tomorrow is our last full day together because I will be leaving the next day early in the morning. The thing is I have business to do tomorrow night so we have to make sure that tomorrow we make the best of our day." It was easy for Harry to stay strong because he was tough like that but as for Ally she got teary eyed. She buried her head into his chest letting out a few tears. She hadent even talked about Harry leaving before they became a couple. They didn't think about how hard it was going to be.

"Harry I don't know how we're going to be able to make this work." Ally was able to get a few words out although her face was still buried in his chest.

"Ally don't say that, we will be back soon enough to visit and we will take it from there. This is our home so we do end up coming back here. " Harry was crushed that he couldn't spend the entire day with Ally tomorrow and he had to spend his last hours in London, with his ex girlfriend Caroline.

Ally and Harry stood hugging each other and they finally pulled away. Harry kissed Ally softly on the lips "I will see you tomorrow Ally, don't be sad love." He said leaving Allys room.

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