Chapter 5: Goodnight and Goodmorning

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I hope you enjoy the next chapter!! Please spread the word about my fanfic xx.

Chapter 5:

Ally knew she wasn't going to be able to sleep at all that night, knowing that tomorrow was her last day with Harry. She pulled out her phone and decided to invite a friend over. Claire was out with Niall so she couldn't. Instead, Ally called Zayn "Hey did I wake you up?"

"Nope I was just watching TV what's up?" Zayn was glad to get a call from Ally.

"Do you want to come to my room and hang out, we can watch movies or something." Ally hoped Zayn would say yes, she needed a friends comfort right now.

"Yes of course, I will be right there." Zayn replied quickly, he was eager to hang out with Ally since this would be his last time for a while.

In no time Zayn was at the door. Ally's eyes were still red and puffy from crying so much with Harry. This was something Zayn noticed right away. "Hey Al what's wrong" Zayn went over to Ally and gave her a hug cause he knew they weren't happy tears.

"It's nothing really, I just---" Ally got choked up and before she could say anything else started crying again.

"Don't cry, is it about us-- I mean Harry leaving?" Ally shook her head. "Ally, you can't be upset about it, we will be back soon. "

"Your right I'm sorry" Ally slowly stopped crying and felt better that Zayn was with her.

They decided to watch a movie to get their minds cleared. Not a sad or romance movie cause that would put Ally in a bad mood again. They decided to watch 21 Jumpstreet.

The movie was funny just from the start and they already couldn't stop laughing. Ally was in such a good mood now.

Harry's POV:

Harry was back in his hotel room and only Liam was there "Thank gosh at least your here." Harry needed someone to talk to and Liam was just like the Dad of the group so it was easy to get good advice. But Liam didn't look so happy.

"Harry, Caroline called and she told us that for tomorrow nights dinner she just wants it to be you." Liam knew Caroline could be mean, and had some good blackmail to use.

"LIAM NO! It's bad enough I'm going to have to see her and miss time spending with Ally." Harry's day went downhill from the time after the photoshoot until now.

"Harry your doing great keeping your relationship a secret and I know it's to protect Ally, which is why you have to go or Caroline will tell everyone."


Ally woke up the next morning worried, she knew it was her last day with Harry because he would be leaving tomorrow early in the morning.

She had a great time with Zayn last night and after he left they texted all night. She loved that they were friends.

Ally's phone rang and it was Claire "Hey are you okay? I know it's their last day and I am probably just as upset as you and I want you to know I love you and I will be there for you when you need me, we will get through this together." Claire was choked up and now Ally was too.

"Thanks Claire it means a lot, I love you too but today I am just going to spend the day with Harry and I'll talk to you later, there's someone at my door, bye!"

Ally opened the door and it was Harry. "Harry its 6 in the morning!" Ally said with a laugh leaning in to kiss him.

"I know but I couldn't stand to be away from you any longer. Plus, I have something special planned. Now get dressed and I will be right back."

Harry left Ally a bit confused of what they were doing.

After Ally was was ready she realized Harry still wasn't back. She looked at her phone and saw a text from Harry it read: "open your door". Ally opened the door and saw a path of rose pedals and candles, she followed it and it led all the way to the front entrance of the hotel, then it stopped. She looked up and saw Harry standing in front of a horse and carriage with a bouquet of roses in his hand.

"Aw Harry!!" Ally yelled and ran up to him, jumped up and put her arms around his neck and legs around his waist. Ally had her hood up so no fans could distinguish who she was but luckily there weren't many around.

Harry kissed Ally and carried her over to the carriage. They rode off to Harry's surprise place "You know this is really our first date." Harry said as he leaned in and gave Ally a quick kiss on the cheek. "So in honor of our first date I got you something." Harry pulled out a London links gold and black bracelet and on the back, was engraved "For you I'll be superhuman"

"Oh my gosh Harry! I have always wanted one of these but they cost a fortune! Thank you" Ally gave him a big hug and another kiss. "Harry shouldn't I be dressed up for a ride in a horse and carriage and wherever your taking me?"

"It's not really what you think, you don't need to be dressed up for where we're going" right as he said that they came to a stop "and here we are now"

They were at an amusement park. "I got the whole place rented out so we can enjoy our privacy."

"Wow Harry you did all this for me?" An amusement park reminded Ally of Zayn cause he always says "just close your eyes and enjoy the roller coaster that is life" He was so deep. But it didn't matter she was here to focus on only Harry.

They spent the whole day together having so much fun on the roller coasters, Ally and Harry held hands and linked arms the whole time, never wanting to leave each other. They shared so many laughs and it was the first day they spent to whole day, not mad at one another and just having fun.

Slowly the day was ending and Ally knew they had to go soon so Harry could go take care of 'business'. She didn't want to leave Harry but held in her emotions until the last minute.

"Looks like its time to go." Harry said, realizing that after today they would only have the morning, and only enough time to say goodbye.

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