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Merry Christmas my beautiful readers! Normally I'm not supposed to update today but I decided to use this as my Christmas present to you all. I hope you like this chapter. Though, it may be a bit annoying!

Lisa was on full rage mode by the time Taehyung returned to her.

"What was that about?"

"I'm sorry babe"

She scoffed. "You're sorry? You practically flew off when we were making out just to run after Park Jimin!"

Her face crumpled into anger. Taehyung sighed. He really wasn't in the mood to argue with her.

"Listen Lisa, I told you I'm sorry. It won't happen again" He drew a deep breath. "I'm tired. Can we just sleep?"

Lisa rolled her eyes. "Sleep? Aren't you thinking of making it up to me?"

He sighed and smiled a little. "Alright, what do you want me to do for you?"

She gave him a crinkly suspicious smile. "I want you to make love to me... "

His smile faded. "Today? Now? "

She nodded and he scratched his head. Lisa frowned. "But you were getting in the mood few minutes ago"

She ground her teeth. "Is it because of Jimin?"

Taehyung groaned. "Why do you keep bringing Jimin up? This isn't about him"

Lisa rose from the couch in anger.

"oh really it isn't?" she almost screamed at the top of her lungs.

"You know what? When you get your head on straight. You let me know but for now, you're sleeping on the floor"

She walked past him and he held her arm but she pushed it off fiercely.

"Don't you fucking touch me" she cried and stormed off. Taehyung just stood there in the middle of the living room, a complete mess.

Lisa waited for Taehyung to return to the room. She pretended to be asleep so he wouldn't notice. He came near her and kissed her head but even in that kiss, she could feel his detachment. This wouldn't do. She would have to get rid of Park Jimin if she was going to have Taehyung all to herself. The only advantage she had right now was that Taehyung hasn't acknowledged that he is gay or bi whatever and she was sure Jimin was the same which meant they were both groping in the dark and pushing each other away. She wasn't going to wait until they realized their true feelings and confess to each other. She had to act fast and fortunately for her, she still had six days and some hours to tear them apart forever.

When Taehyung woke up, Lisa was exceptionally sweet to him that morning. She even brought him breakfast in bed. He stared at her as he ate the crunchy toasts she had prepared.

"I thought you were angry with me"

She leaned closer to him wiping his hair from his face.

"I was but I thought about it. How can I be jealous of Jimin? He's a man and your best friend. Surely, you would only be caring for him as a friend. So it's stupid of me to keep him away from you"

Taehyung nodded and Lisa smiled. Yes, sow the seed of doubt in his feelings for Jimin.

She kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry for letting you sleep on the floor. Can you forgive me for that?"

"Sure!" Taehyung said surprised. Considering how angry she was last night, he didn't expect her to forgive him that easily but here she was.

There was a knock on the door and Yoongi entered.

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