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That morning, there was a loud banging noise at the front of their door. Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok were outside shouting at the top of their voices.

"Open the door you little shits!" Namjoon yelled. His voice sounding like thunder.

Taehyung opened his eyes slowly "What the hell is going on?" He murmured. He really couldn't be bothered waking up so he turned to the other side of the bed covering both ears with a pillow.

But Jimin was wide awake. He shook Taehyung.

"It seems something happened" He whispered but Taehyung remained sleeping trying to be unbothered.

"Open the door damn it!" Namjoon roared and that did it. Taehyung sat up on bed while Jimin rushed to the door and unlocked it.

Immediately, their three angry hyungs dashed in. Namjoon looked the most pissed off. He glared at the two who were now on the bed.

"You little shits...." he murmured. "Because of you two, we are all in trouble now"

"What happened?" Taehyung whispered looking worried.

"This is what happened!" Jin said and threw his phone at them. They grabbed it and cringed at the words written in front of the screen.


BTS Jimin and Kim Taehyung aka V caught on date in Singapore.

There were several images of them being unbelievably close. They had even taken blurry pictures of them kissing.

An unknown source reported that the two members have been seeing each other for sometime now. They have been spotted holding hands and kissing even during their tour in New York. Fans of BTS are outraged by this discovery. This might eventually lead to a disbandment of the group. We have yet to hear from their company Big hit entertainment . Until then, stay tuned for more information.

Jimin and Taehyung stared in disbelief as several blurry images of the two of them on their secret night dates came up. Taehyung ran a hand over his head.

"Lisa... She did this. I should have known she wouldn't stay quiet" Taehyung said.

Namjoon groaned "We don't have time to apportion blames right now. We have to take care of this issue immediately"

His cell phone suddenly rang and he picked up. It was their manager. They talked for a while and when he finished, his eyes looked like death.

"They've cancelled the tour today. We are returning to Korea!" He said

"What?" They all muttered.

"Apparently, people started returning the tickets. They can't bear to see us right now" Namjoon said

"We really are in trouble." Hoseok whispered, his eyes almost wetting with tears.

Jin glared at the youngest two. "What the hell, You two aren't the only ones in a secret relationship here. Why weren't you more discreet. Because of you.... "

Namjoon held Jin's shoulder to calm him down. "Hey babe calm down..."

Jin shook him off "Why should I calm down? I'm pissed as hell. Let me go"

He stormed out of the room slamming the door loudly behind him.

Namjoon eyed them. "You two, pack up we leave in twenty minutes"

He left too leaving Hoseok alone with them. He just stared sadly at them. "We have always managed to weather any storm. I don't think we'll be able to do that now"

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