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"I said, what the hell is going on here?" Lisa yelled louder.

Taehyung left Jimin's side and went to her. "Listen to me Lisa, stop making a scene"

Lisa scoffed. "I saw Taehyung. I saw what you were going to do. You were about to ki.... "

"Not here Lisa" He stopped her and grabbed her hand. "We need to talk"

"Let go of my hand!" She cried, struggling to let go of his tight grip but he was stronger than her. He pulled her away with him ignoring her shouts.

As soon as they were gone, Jungkook looked at Jimin with a painful expression before turning his gaze on the other members.

"Can you give me a moment alone with Jimin?" Jungkook said. The others mumbled to themselves before leaving gradually one by one.

Jungkook sat beside Jimin whose cheeks were red. He tried looking concerned but deep inside, he was anxious, anxious that perhaps his plan was failing.

"What happened here?"

Jimin smiled brightly at him and Jungkook weakened. It had been so long since he had seen that smile on his face. It hurt because he knew he wasn't the reason for it.

"We almost kissed Jungkook. Can you believe it? Just a little more and our lips would have touched" He paused and placed a hand on his chest. "He likes me too Kookie. I could feel it"

Jungkook frowned and Jimin stopped, his smile slowly fading from his lips.

"Is that why you are happy?"

Jimin froze. "of course I should be happy. Isn't that the point of this whole relationship with you?" He muttered.

Jungkook scoffed. "Do you really think he is going to leave Lisa and be with you?" He said the words bitterly.

Jimin took a deep breath trying to hold himself from tearing up. "He might break up with her. I have a feeling he is going to break up with her! "

Jungkook stood up and stamped his foot in rage. "How could you give in so easily! Why are you so naive?"

His eyes turned red and Jimin stood up to face him, totally confused at Jungkook's behavior "What's wrong with you? Why are you acting this way?"

Jungkook ran a hand over his hair looking defeated. "I'm sorry Jimin but I just don't want to see you get hurt. I care about you a lot"

Jimin smiled, looking relieved. "Thanks a lot Kookie. I appreciate that but I don't want to continue hiding my feelings for Taehyung now that I believe he feels the same way"

Jungkook shook his head "Let's see if he will break up with her"

Jimin nodded.

"Let's see" He muttered quietly.

Meanwhile, Taehyung had dragged Lisa to a quiet hallway. As soon as they were alone, she pulled her hand away from his. Taehyung just sighed.

"Lisa, we need to talk"

She stopped him. "Before you go on, I want you to know that I've gotten a new job at this company"

Taehyung stared at her and she smiled sarcastically. "I'm Bts new stylist"


She grinned "I got the job today. They hired me after seeing my CV"

He stared at her long and hard as she came closer to him.

"Which is why from now on, I'll be watching everything you do. You can't escape from me Taehyung. I know what you and Jimin were about to do..."

A small blush dusted his cheeks as he remembered how Jimin had closed his eyes waiting for his kiss. Right there, the puzzle had been solved. Park Jimin had feelings for him but Lisa and Jungkook were the only ones keeping them apart. For his part, he would have to break up with Lisa and convince Jimin to do the same with Jungkook.

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