Twenty five

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Nobody was able to reach Jimin ever since that night. It was as though he had disappeared from the face of the earth and everyone was worried especially since they were resuming their tour.

Taehyung and Lisa made several public appearances to convince people that their relationship was real but not everyone believed it because if you looked closely, you could notice the pain in Taehyung's eyes each time he had to act in front of others but business was business and he had to put up with it until he at least pretended to break up with her.

When they were no longer in the public view, he would shut her off trying unsuccessfully to call Jimin's number but again, as always all he got was a voice mail.

"Stop wasting your time, it's obvious Jimin doesn't want to see you or talk to you" She cried.

But Taehyung didn't answer her. Once again, ignoring everything about her. To him, she did not exist. He couldn't even stand her because she is the reason he isn't with Jimin right now.

Lisa didn't know how long she could continue like this. Taehyung wasn't even giving her the time of day. He didn't acknowledge her, he didn't speak to her. He was good at being touchy in public but when they were alone without all the cameras flashing at them, he would cast her aside like a rag doll. This wouldn't do. Something had to be done and soon, a wicked idea began to form in her mind.

Taehyung was dropping her at the front of her apartment after their fake date. He looked very tensed and anxious all of a sudden as he told the driver to take him somewhere else. Lisa wondered why he was looking so nervous. She suddenly had a feeling that he was going to see Jimin.

And she was right. Taehyung knew Jimin must have gone to stay with his parents. He knew that going to see him there, where he could receive a lot of backlash was a really crazy thing to do but he couldn't help himself. He couldn't bear not seeing Jimin. He didn't know how he had survived this long without seeing his eye smile, hearing his soft giggle, hearing his voice. The feeling of his hands running up and down Jimin's skin, the feeling he had when their bodies were pressed against each other. All those feelings, he missed them.

Driving past the Busan streets, he recalled how he had been chastised by his own parents. He couldn't even believe what he did after. His parents had called him to the house. Immediately he saw them, he knelt down and bowed.

His younger brother looked disinterested while his sister just chuckled.

"Kim Taehyung, are you gay?" his father straight forward asked him furrowing his eye brows.

Taehyung set his lips in a tight line unable to speak and quickly jumped in fright when his mother shouted.

"Yeobo, I told you. He's gay! Look, he isn't saying anything!"

"Yah, keep quiet. I want to hear it from his own mouth" He snapped and his wife became silent, staring daggers at Taehyung.

"Now tell me, are you gay?"

This was the moment. He never wanted to come out like this but he couldn't continue lying. He nodded and his mother jumped from her seat holding the back of her head in agitation.

"Aigoo!" she cried.

His father frowned. "You're gay? I'm so disappointed in you Taehyung"

"Dissapointed?" his brother Kim Taesoo said with a smug smile. "I have many gay friends in my school. I bet all their parents will be disappointed too!"

"Kim Taesoo!" His mother shouted.

"What?" He whispered.

"Off to your room now!" she added. Tae soo dragged his feet away.

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