School Talk

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After the cast left, Steven, Liv and I stayed on the couch cuddled up and watching a film of Liv's choice. I was glad to spend some time with the two of them after such a long, emotional day. I couldn't believe I had finally told them the truth about her and I couldn't feel anymore relieved.

"How do you feel now they know about you?" I asked Liv as the credits rolled down the screen.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to feel. They know about me but I still have to start a public school and make friends my own age. I don't want people to be my friend just because you're you." She said and I nodded in understanding.

"I know how you feel Liv. But it'll get better, you don't have to let the school know who your Mom is." I told her quietly and she nodded but didn't say anything more.

"I'm going to go home. I have to be on set early tomorrow." Steven said and stood up to leave. Liv and I followed his lead and lead him to the door. I didn't want him to go but I knew he had to work early and he lives closer to the set than I do. Plus, I have to talk to Liv about starting school tomorrow and she doesn't even know it yet. I was not looking forward to that conversation.

"I'm in at midday tomorrow so I'll see you then." I said and gave him a small peck.

"Bye Livvy. I hope you'll come on set soon." Steven said kissing her cheek.

"If Mom lets me, I'll come to set with her tomorrow." Steven looked at me over her head and I looked down ashamed. He knew what was planned but not that I hadn't told her yet.

"You'll just have to ask her." He said and gave me a look. I sighed and pulled Liv back.

"Why don't you go get ready for bed and we can have a sleepover in my bed tonight." I said and she nodded giving Steven one last hug before going up to change into her pyjamas.

"You haven't told her yet?" He said and I shook my head. "Why not?"

"I don't want her to freak out on me." I told him honestly. I didn't want her to not want to go and freak out more than she usually would.

"She knows she's bound to go to school sooner or later. The sooner the better. Now go get ready for bed and talk to her. Call me to let me know how it goes." He said and I nodded. I kissed him once more before watching him walk to hiss car and pull out of my driveway.

I walked up my stairs into my room and pulled out one of Stevens shirts he left here on our one and only sleepover we've had and put on a pair of bed shorts. I sat on my bed and waited for Liv to come in. I had to talk to her and I didn't know where or how to start.

"Hey Mom." She walked in and came to sit next to me on my bed, I had a stash of junk food in the drawer under my bed that we pig out on every time we have a sleepover in here. Butt I hadn't got them out yet because I didn't know whether she would stick around after our little talk.

"Hey. I have to talk to you and you have to promise not to freak out."

"The last time you said that, you told me I was adopted." She giggled and I smiled.

"I don't think it's that lifechanging but it's important you listen to me and take inn everything I tell you. ut to be honest as of tomorrow you won't have a choice." I told her and she cocked her head to the side.

"Tomorrow you are going to school." I told her and her eyes went wide. She didn't say anything so I didn't say anything but the silence was excruciating. "Liv?" I whispered carefully. I didn't know if she was going to flip or if she was just thinking about the aspect of going to aa school for the first time in her life and being around other children her age.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" She asked me and I sighed, I didn't really know how to reply to that but I had to give her something.

"I don't know, I was afraid you would hate be for putting you into school without telling you but I thought you needed to focus on telling the cast instead of that and going to school. You get to be a normal teenager and go to school." I explained and she shuffled slightly on the bed.

"I won't know anyone there." She whimpered.

"That's where you're wrong Liv. You met Chandler today. He'll be in your grade. He's going to meet us outside tomorrow and he'll take you to the office to get your schedule and how you around." I told her and she smiled. "So will you just try it? Make some friends and be normal?"

"I'll give it ago." She told me and I wrapped her in a hug with a huge smile. She was okay with it. I thought I would have to drag her there kicking and screaming but apparently I was wrong. I didn't know if it was the fact that she got to make new friends or if it was because Chandler was going t be there. I think she has a small crush on the young actor.

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