3 Years Old Part 2

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I slowly started to grow in confidence and I ran around the living room tiring myself out and collapsed onto her. Mom took me to bed and I wanted her to stay with me. I finally felt loved and I wanted to be able to sleep safely next to her knowing I wouldn't get hurt. Even though I hadn't known her for long, I knew she was going to keep me safe and make me feel loved for as log as she could. Even at 3, I knew I had so much to thank both my birth Mom and adopted Mom for, they gave me a good life with their decision making.

"What's your name?" She asked me when she had finished her nightly routine. I hadn't moved a muscle since she went into the bathroom. I think I was worried about her leaving and never coming back just like my birth Mom. I watched her every move until she was laid next to me and allowed me to cuddle up into her.

"Olivia." I whispered to her.

"Hi Olivia, my name is Lauren and I'm going to be looking after you for a while." She explained to me as short as possible with a chance for me to be able to understand without overcomplicating things for a 3 year old mind.

"Mommy said that she can't look after me anymore. She says that daddy is a bad ma and you're going to protect me. You're going to be my new Mommy." I told her as I cuddled further into her. That was the first time I felt completely safe and loved enough to talk. It was the most I had spoken all night.

"I don't want to replace your Mommy. No one can do that." She whispered to me, shuffling in the bed to get into a more comfortable position. I scooted closer to her and rested my head on her chest. Mom pulled me closer to her.

"You'll protect me right?" She asked.

"Of course, I won't let anything happen to you sweetie." I told her and we both began to fall asleep. The first time in a long time where I slept soundlessly. I didn't have nightmares, I didn't scream. I slept all through the night without needing comforting.

I felt loved, I knew my life would be different, My new Mom was going to keep me safe and I was going to be the best person I could as I grew up t make my Mom happy and to show her how much I appreciated her on this day and how much it meant to give me such a life. I wanted to aspire tog rat things just like she has. She really is remarkable and I'm glad Cleo chose her to be my forever Mom.

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