Dr. Mckenzie & K.I. (2395)

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Date: November 11, 2395
Location: Training Facility Beta
Sergeant J. Anderson, Arkaden, Madison

8 months have passed and the testing of Dr. Henderson power-armor was improving. However there was some complications during the start with the suit damaging our muscles structure. Dr. Henderson made few tweaks and alterations to fit our body structure so it couldn't put too much pressure on our muscles.

The suit was powered with a short arc reactor located in the chest plate. As dangerous as it sounds, we were protected by the material designed in the plates. The plates were made of alloy-titanium with a source of steel flexible cables connecting each joint of the suit. Felt like I was inside a robot.

Throughout those months, our agility have increased along with our endurance with the suits. Even though their still a prototype, it still have its work.

" Hey Sarge! Catch!", yelled Ark tossing me a M9 Magnum. "Doc, wants to test our accuracy with the new helmet visor's."

I caught the magnum and checked if there were bullets in the magazine. I counted at least 12 bullets.

" Good, I'll meet you at the range.", I replied loading the clip back into the M9. I turned my attention to Madison carrying a DragonFire Mk.III. The DragonFire is a marksman rifle capable of armor penetration. The rounds for the rifle contained armor piercing with incendiary coating. It had a 4x scope with a modified stock. It should have weighed at least 65 lbs, but she carried it without a problem with the suit.

"You good with that rifle Madison?"

Madison turned back toward me. You couldn't see her face with the visor blocking the view. "You must never read my files in the training field? I guess your in for a treat today Sarge.", said Madison as she followed Ark to the firing range.

Grey and Captain Capulet, I learned her name and origin earlier during our training days in the facility, was tending to other necessities ordered by Dr. Henderson. I read into Capulet files and she is an outstanding officer for the Special Division Alpha-Wolf Company. Alpha-Wolf was known as the top tier company in our core with my company, Moon-Demon, right behind them. 150 confirmed kills against insurgents, 20 completed mission with her team returning in one piece, and achieved the rank of Captain at the age of 26. Her past was redacted in her files; guessing the government doesn't want anyone knowing about her past.

5 minutes later

Entering the firing range, I saw at least 10 booths with walls separating each range. You had one range for close-quarters, short to medium distance, and long range. Madison was posted at the long range while Ark with his M389 Shotgun was posted at the close-quarters range. Two security droids were posted at the door behind us as scientists were located behind each their post analyzing data.

I made my way to my post at the short to medium range. A woman scientist waved to catch my attention at my post. She was old one, at least 57 years old. A Caucasian woman with dray gray hair in a light blue mixed with white doctor gown. She wore a name tag which said, Dr. Mckenzie. As I approached her, I offered to shake her hand but she refused as her eyes were focused on her tablet.

"Good afternoon, Sergeant Anderson. I can see the armor is treating you well today I hope?", asked Dr. Mckenzie continuing to write on her tablet.

" Everything is fine, thank you for asking doctor. There haven't been any complications with the armor since June."

"Interesting to hear. It's about time to start the next test. In front of you, target will appear as dummy specters...but your core call the droids. These specters will not attack, so it should be an easy kill for you."

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