Nation Crusader (2398)

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The story will be jumped between the past and present belong this point. The year will be showed in the story and title of the chapter

Nation Crusader
Squad OuterHaven
December 21, 2398

In deep space, there are other worlds to discover and explore. It's been 2 years since the NGOE and other survivors fled Earth from the ALPHA-1 virus. The outbreak spread like wild fire affecting a country every day. The Special Division tried to contain the virus, but it was out of their control. Now we face the consequences of our actions.

On the Nation Crusader, Anderson stared out of the window viewing the light space stream. He wondered in thought if his team wouldn't have survived the affection. Dr. Walker was one of the first affected, designated as Patient Zero. Walker then affected his entire crew which spread to New York then further down south to Florida. The epidemic was chaotic.

Unfortunately through the terrifying event, we lost Dr. Micheal Henderson and the General. OuterHaven was able to retrieve few of the scientists with Dr. Luna Henderson and Dr. Mckenzie. They were the primary objective for recovery. If they would lose them, they probably wouldn't have survived longer in space.

Ark approached Anderson with a shotgun in his hand. They spoke through their integrated communication device embedded in their suits.
"Hey, Dr. Mckenzie wants to see you. Apparently there's been a breakthrough.", said Ark placing his shotgun on his back while making his way out of Anderson room.

Anderson grabbed his gear and calibrated his suit with his body.

Traveling through each corridor on the ship, the crew were working on their assignments approving the ship's inner-hull and maintenance on the ship's system hardwares. Everywhere Anderson cross, families could be seen in the distance struggling. Food shortage hit the Nation Crusader after 6 months in space or so it seems. Modified Specters were threatening civilians to stay in their zones or they will be contained.

Few of the soldiers had to defend rations so civilians wouldn't try to sneak in and steal the food. Unfortunately, ration rates have dropped significantly since our departure. "The people on this ship will go mad...", commented Anderson continuing to tread carefully through the civilian zone into military restricted area.

One of the guards tried to stop Anderson in his place but the other guard notices the emblem on Anderson right chest. "He's a Knight. Let him through, he have clearance.", said the other guard. Both guards stepped out of the way as Anderson stepped through. The sound of metal boots contacting metal flooring was loud, sometimes brought fear to the soldiers.

Anderson team was known as Knights, the final creations of program ATLAS. The dream Dr. Mckenzie and Dr. Micheal Henderson was looking for. Their purpose is to defend and protect humanity from extreme danger like the outbreak of August 12, 2397. A day where OuterHaven came into action.

30 minutes later

"Your late Anderson. Capulet and I have been waiting for you.", said Dr. Mckenzie as she stood out of her chair with a cast wrapped around her arm.

Capulet, in her armor, leaned against the wall keeping her view on Dr. Mckenzie. Anderson looked over to Dr. Mckenzie and nodded his head. He approached the holographic table where Dr. Mckenzie called for Beta. Beta appeared on the table, an AI designed by Dr. Mckenzie in her free time, and presented to them the map of the solar system they was beginning to enter.

"In 5 days, we will finally be approaching the outer atmosphere of KUNA. By our calculations, there shouldn't be any interference between now and arrival.", said Beta pointing to the 3D holographic blue planet. Kuna was in the sane alignment as Earth, third planet from the Sun. On the holographic projection, we could see 13 planets in the new Galaxy. We called this galaxy Nebula.

Kuna, as you can say, is a close replica to Earth with breathable air, flourished with life, and grass as green as an open spring plain. NGOE informed us that the planet will begin a new life for our generation and for future generations. They called this program PATHFINDER. A specific individual or squad will be in charge of leading expeditions to find a suitable location for colonization.

"Be blessed that your team has been selected to become the Pathfinder for our colony. This selection came from the director of NGOE.", said Dr. Mckenzie.

"It is an honor that the director chose us as the colony pathfinder. We won't fail the NGOE.", replied Capulet. Capulet turned her attention toward Anderson.

"Inform the team about our new assignment. Everyone must be geared and ready in 5 days for departure and begin expedition. Failure is not an option"

"Understood Captain!", yelled Anderson saluting Capulet. After saluting his captain, he departed the room, leaving Capulet and Dr. Mckenzie behind.

Capulet places both hands on her helmet as air pressure released from the helmet. She twisted it to the side and took off the helmet. Her hair once long was now bald with a scar across her face. Her brown eyes can be seen in the dimmed lights by Dr. Mckenzie as Capulet laid her pistols on the table.

"Doctor, I need a sitrep. What is our predictions on resources for food for our specific colony?"

Dr. Mckenzie turned her back to Capulet and a short sigh could be heard from her. "Unfortunately, it's looking grim. We've been losing resources every day by 3%, that's a huge effect on our colony. If we don't settle this soon, none of us will get to live to see Kuna."

"Do want my team to find the source of the problem?"

"That won't be needed. I have another team investigating the issue at hand. In the mean time, you and your team get some rest. You've been a big help to the NGOE."

"Thank you ma'am.". Capulet grabbed her helmet and placed it over her head, reattaching it her armor. She then picked up her pistols and holster them to both of her thighs. Both the pistols attached like magnets to her armor. She gave one last nod to Dr. Mckenzie and departed the room.

The colony have been facing issues like shortages of food for a very long time, there's been no trace of the issue. There have been been assumptions that it's the work of an underground organization, or the syndicate.

Thank you for tuning in this far in the story, if you any questions or concerns please comment below. If you want your own character in the story, please provide details in comments as well. Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2018 ⏰

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