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While Calum was leaning in for a kiss the rest comes in to the room. Nobody seems to notice that Calum was trying to kiss you. Calum whispers in your ear

"Can i talk to you for a sec?"

You walk down the hall and Calum takes your hand. It doesn't feels weird, it feels natural.

"Look i really like you and i feel like i've known you for years." He starts

"From the moment is saw you i knew you were something special, so i wanted to ask...."

"What Calum? You can ask anything" you say questionable

"Do you want to go on a date with me" he asks nervously.

"You don't want to if you buisy, its okey we can still be friends" 

"No, Calum. Yes of course i want to go on a date with you" you say happily

You kiss him on the forehead. You give him a hug.
Luke comes to you and asks "people were going home and catch a movie, y'all in?"

"Sure we'll see you in the bus" says Calum

You walk to the bus and overthink everything.
Maybe i'm just another girl who he can sleep with. Or maybe he just wanna have fun. Why would he choose me over so many other girls?
In the bus you see Hailey talking to Ashton and having a good time. Maybe I shouldn't overthink this and just go with the flow. Right?!

Forbidden love- Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now