Love again

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You watched him as he walked to his office with a sad gaze.

"You won't get far if you don't ask him." Reid piped.

"Oh shush pretty boy, let her crush."

Glaring at Derek you huffed, finishing the case file and throwing it on top of the pile with a satisfied grin.

"Anyone wanna grab some drinks?" You asked.

Emily, JJ, Derek and Rossi all raised their hands.


"Uhm... sure."

"Great! Derek can you ask Penny I'll ask Hotch."

Skipping to your bosses door you knocked then walked in. He looked up from his computer and smiled.

"We're all going for drinks, you wanna come?"

"Sure, I'll be down in a moment." He smiled.

Not you were all half drunk and you were standing on a karaoke stage. Scrolling through the songs till you find the one you wanted. Grinning you turned to the audience.

"Be warned I sound like a dying cat."

Everyone laughed. The music started up and you tapped your foot to the beat of the song.

Hey oh
Where can I go, when all the roads I take they never lead me home
Hey oh
I miss you so, but I'm used to seeing people come and go
Yeah, I've made mistakes
Next time, I swear I'll change

Glancing around the audience as a few members clapped along, your eyes landed on your team. They were all grinning and clapping along, Hotch was stood with his phone out, blushing you looked down.

When I find love again, when I find love again
I'll be much better than the man I used to be
When I find love again, when I find love again
I'll have a better plan for us
Hey oh
I'm not ashamed, 'cause everybody has a heart that's meant to break
Hey oh
Don't be afraid, 'cause you're only getting stronger from the pain
Yeah I've made mistakes
Next time, I swear I'll change

Your eyes landed on him again, this time you smiled brightly, through the words, knowing how true they were. Hotch gazes back just as intently, his eyes never meaning your form much to your shock.

When I find love again, when I find love again
I'll be much better than the man I used to be
When I find love again, when I find love again
I'll have a better plan for us
Yeah, you and me
Yeah, I've made mistakes
Next time, I swear I'll change
When I find love again, when I find love again
I'll be much better than the man I used to be
When I find love again, when I find love again
I'll have a better plan for us
Yeah, you and me
When I find love again, when I find love again
I'll be much better than the man I used to be
When I find love again, when I find love again
I'll have a better plan for us
When I find love again, when I find love again
I'll be much better than the man I used to be
When I find love again, when I find love again
I'll have a better plan for us

The crowd broke into cheers as you skipped of stage straight into the waiting arms of your friends.

"You can sing mama!" Derek grinned.

"I used to sing a lot as a kid."  You chuckled.

Sitting at the table, everyone slowly drifted away leaving you and Hotch alone. It was silent but it was comfortable.

"When I find love again I'll be much better then the man I used to be..." he spoke softly.

Eyes darting towards him, his face was flushed and he was glancing around nervously. A small smile adorning his face, standing up he offered you his hand. Taking it in confusion Hotch led you out to the street and stood under the light of the lamp.

"Why did you choose that song?"

"It's my favourite song." You shrugged.

His eyes met yours. Letting out a sigh, you shoved your hands in your pockets.

"I was aiming it at someone."


"How did you..?"

"You kept looking at me." He laughed.

Grumbling you  deadpanned and blushed madly but nodded. A hand lifted your chin up to see a wide smile on his face, warm eyes shining with happiness.

"That means I can do this..."

He leaned in, taking a step closer as he pressed his lips to yours in a hasty kiss. It wasn't rushed but it was definitely eager. His hands found your waist while yours found his shoulders, standing on your tip toes to get more height. 

You broke away, breathless. His hands still rested in their place as did yours.

"Everything was different after Hayley and I knew I didn't love Beth like I should. I want to change you make me want to be a better man (Y/N)."

You couldn't find the words to say, but just simply hugged him close.

"Go out with me?" He asked.

"I dunno..." you teased, "I mean there's already another guy... he's adorable, really sweet to."

Hotch looked sad. Your heart broke a bit but you didn't give up. You knew exactly what you were doing.

"Wanna know his name?"

He nodded in confusion.

"Jack Hotchner."

He laughed and pulled you in for a tight hug, spinning you around in his arms before letting you touch the floor again, his head coming to rest in the crook of your neck.

"You has me worried.." he chuckled.

"Aaron I just spilled my guts out to you in a song there wouldn't be another man." You laughed.

"Oh shush."

He pressed his mouth to your again in another but slower kiss. Both of you jumped apart when someone whistled. The team stood there at the door, Garcia holding her phone out while they all grinned.

"We're going home, don't do anything I wouldn't do! And congratulations!" Rossi yelled walking away with Emily.

Saying bye, he took your hand and stated to lead you down the street towards a small coffee shop

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