MX-T75 - A massive fortress the size of two aircraft carriers that was designed and created by the Galactic Republic Of Mars It must start in water so the water tanks are full but after spending 5 seconds in water it can go onto land or use its engines to take flight, It is capible of holding 10,000 men as well as enough food, and water to supply all 10,000 men for 10 years, It is also equpit with 1,000 laser blasting cannons thatthe ammunition is created by fusing loght and air and are aimed in every direction, The MX-T75 has state of the art sonar equipment capible of seeing a small fish at the bottom of the deepest part of the sea, It holds over 7,000 speeders although it often does not hold that many, It also can hold over 100 All terain tanks but none were brought to earth for the fuel is to difficult to create in the atmosphere of earth, It has 3 mess halls, 7 medical bays, 8 engines, A particle powerplant that supplies the entire ship with unlimited power by causing two atoms constantly rush past eachother creating energy, It has 47 self sufficent farms that can run by themselves, It also holds 1,000 1 million gallon water tanks that are collected by the MX-T75 being in water and is filtered as it enters, it has cameras in every place with exclusion of the restrooms, At the rear of the ship there are 3 massive hanger bay doors located at the center of the rear and on either side of the rear.
The revenge - A basic nuclear submarine whos captin was Rover before Andy was given the rank of general in which Andy was given the title of captin by Rover himself, This submarine was nothing special, Like all submarines the max capasity was only 5 thousand men, All 5 thousand men had little to no military experience, Andy trained each and every one of the men on islands where The Revenge would dock every day that it was not deployed on a mission, All of the crew practiced for 12 hours a day on islands led by andy before eating and resting, Often times Andy would deploy a alarm in the dead of night to see his men's response time, This vessile is equipt with missles that can be fired from under the water as well as torpedos.
Speeder - A lightweight motorcycle like vehicle that was equipt with a hovering device in place of wheels, It was created by the martians for easy transportation for a soldier at fast speeds, The speeder could climb a verticle wall without any issues, The speeder can reach up to 300 mph but almost never goes above 150 mph, The speeder was often equipted with a satchel that held enough food and water for a single soldier to survive for a week as well as basic survival gear, This vehicle is equipted with 2 high powered laser blasters mounted to the front for firing at enemies in a chase.
The Fallen's Kiss - A standard MX-T75 that The Hell's Fallen comindered and used in the assult at a unnamed high security prision that Andy's brother Randy was held in and forced to work.
The Fallen's Kiss MKII - A customised MX-T75 that is 4 times larger than a standard MX-T75 but 8 times the firepower, but unlike the standard MX-T75 The Fallen's Kiss MK II is equipted with deflector sheilds that deflect any and all incoming attacks, It also holds The Revenge located in the center of the vessile, The Revenge can be deployed and used as a secondary assult vehicle.
Earth Defence Force Capital - A massive super structure build on the island of hawaii after in the year 2031 a massive valcano came from the ground and errupted killing all enhabitants, Earth Defence Force soon built a top secret facility that created a massive ammount of fog to hide it from anyone that did not know where it was, This massive structure not only was over 1,000 stories above ground but an additional 2,000 below, It was designed to take the blast of a valcano or a nuclear missle hitting it directly and not be scratched.
Battle of worlds
CasualeMankind began its accent towards the stars and began to colonise the planet mars with a handful of people to start but soon mars became its own planet For 200 years the planets earth and mars coexisted and shared resources But the galactic republic...