la vie en noir. pt.1

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she felt her breath becoming heavier and heavier at the sight of the person that was in front of her. she was scared, and too weak, but she couldn't let him see through her.

she heard jin's phone ring, and she saw yoongi's text, but she still pretended to be asleep. and when he left, she followed him until they reached the café and hid behind one of the plants until she judged the moment perfect for her to appear.

even thought she was not ready, but she couldn't always rely on her brothers to protect her, she was aware of the fact that they would leave like every body else. it was the bitter reality.

'look who we've got here...' jihoon bit his lips with his eyes roaming all over her body... not giving a damn about jin and yoongi who were angrily staring at the scene.

'you're just wasting your time by coming everytime. you better leave for good.' winter was obviously annoyed by the boy whom was standing in front of her. but truly, she was scared. she was still scared of jihoon and his maleficient hands. but she couldn't show it to the others. it was too risky.

if she showed that she was scared, they would understand, and boy this was the last thing she wanted.

no wait.

it was the last thing she needed, because not only would it bring them troubles, but it would also hurt them. so the least they knew, the better it was.

jihoon was much stronger than her, and the bitter truth was that, she truly felt as if she belonged to him. that's why, when he started to get closer and closer to her, she was startled, and immediately her mind stopped.

but jin was fast, and stopped him in the process.

'you better leave, before i stop controlling all the muscles of my body, because you'll probably end up, not in a hospital, but i'll leave that up to your imagination' he said, threatening. another thing about jin was that he was a very scaring person, he just could hide it properly.

'oh and jin, if you need knives, you can still take some from the kitchen.' said yoongi, playing along.

you didn't know whether it was because jin and yoongi were pretty scary, or because it was part of his plan, but jihoon left, and the last words he pronounced rang in your ears like some pearcing sound.

'in the end, people get back where they truly belong.'

she didn't get any sleep that night, both because of what happened earlier and what was to come later. and so she spent the night, on her bed, looking at the roof of her room, trying to find any excuse.

and yet, here she was, standing in front of the building, her uniform perfectly put on. one last stare at the flag on the rooftop. one last sight. and there she was, going through the jungle, with her i don't care mask that she was used to wear. during those 6 years she spent at school, she learned that it was the best way to survive this hell.

when she first put her right foot in the department, nobody cared and they kept ignoring good. so far so good. when she reached her locker, and entered the secret password, she found a little paper, folded poperly, which she was used to now. she didn't even need to read it, because she knew what was written in it.

she put all her books in the locker, leaving just what she needed for her first class. only wishing for one thing: for the earth to open up and swallow her.

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