레이브 pt.2

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after he was done with the questions, kim namjoon allowed taehyung to go see winter, who was in a terrible shock. the police women tried to get some informations from her, but she didn't let out the small sound, so they decided to leave her alone for the time being, determined to get as much information as possible later. when they both got out, they were met with a worried taehyung. they stared at him in sorrow and desolation, not knowing what to say, until he talked.

'please tell me how she is.' he almost begged.

one of them, the oldest, sighed, not knowing how to explain the situation to such a young man. she thought about she was going to tell him for a minute, until she decided that it would be best if she was straight forward.

'you see, young man, what she has been through was too shocking. indeed, when we came, we found her in a state that i cannot find the words to describe. never, in my 25 years of experience, have i seen what i saw today. she was actually getting whipped. it seems to me that there's more to this, but she doesn't want to talk to any of us. so you might be the perfect person to convince her to go to the forensic pathologist. that way, we will not only be able to know what he exactly did to her, but we will also have enough evidences to put him in prison for the rest of his life.'

'b-but i'm a-actually not that close to her you know. she might not listen to me...' taehyung replied, unsure of himself.

the second woman smirked and got closer to him.

'you too might not be that close, but i can tell that she means a lot to you. i mean, if she didn't, you would've never saved her, am i wrong?' he just looked down, making the woman smile even more 'therefore to help her get revenge, you must make her follow all the legal steps. only then will she be really free from him.'

he stared at the strong woman in front of him and nodded, aware that she was right and that what she said should be done in the close future. but at the same time, he didn't want to force the girl to do anything, atleast not for now. he felt that before doing all of this, she should atleast tell her brother and bestfriend about this, so that they will know how to act with her. so he took out his phone and sent a message in the groupchat they created when they new each other.

jimin hyung, please bring yoongi hyung and jin hyung to your old house. it's urgent.

that being done, he put his phone back into his pocket and slightly opened the door. the girl didn't move, maybe she was too scared to do so.

he sat next to her and slowly brought her into his recomforting, worried that it might bring too bad memories. but to his surprise, she didn't budge, instead, that's when she broke off, and that's when she cried all the emotions that she might've bottled up for too long in her.

and do you know why she did this?

because what taehyung gave to her, was more than what even her brother give. sure she felt good with yoongi and jin, but with taehyung, it was a whole different thing. she wanted him to see the real winter snow. not the coldhearted one, not the dull one, but the broken one, the one that needed help, the one that screamed 'save me' when she'd been telling 'i'm fine'. yes. she wanted him to see her real self.

they stayed like that for about ten minutes. she was crying while he was whispering sweet nothings in her ears, until she cried herself to sleep. his hands kept rubbing his back. he closed his eyes, but suddenly, he heard cries.


ayoo guys im back! finally somebody knows about winter's nightmare yaay!

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