Chapter 5: Fight of the Decade

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Glynda: Miss Nikos and Mr Shadeheart please go to the locker and prepare yourselves.

Carl: No need Miss Goodwitch.

Carl stood up with a calm manner as readies mercy and death already and walks towards the stage.

Jaune: Man the air is getting intense.

Lena: Something's going down.

James: *thoughts* I've never seen Carl fighting seriously. Better watch this.

The murmurs and gossips were stopped when they saw Pyrrha walked towards the stage as Carl smiles and walks towards Pyrrha.

Carl: Best fighter wins.

Pyrrha: Good luck Carl.

Carl: Same to you.

Both fighters walk back to each other as Carl turned seriously and prepares Mercy and death as Pyrrha readies her spear and shield.

Kou: Man you can feel the intensity here.

Glynda: The winner will be determined by whoever's aura dropped at red first. Are you both ready?

Both of them nodded.

Glynda: The fight will begin in 3...

Carl prepares himself.

Glynda: 2...

Pyrrha prepares her spear and shield.

Glynda: 1...

Everyone is watching the fight.

Glynda: BEGIN!

No one POV

(Play the music)

Pyrrha rushes towards Carl and throws her Milo to him, but Carl easily slide from her attacks and slash her thigh with mercy, taking her off guard. To all surprise of the students, draining her aura a little bit.

???: Nobody's ever even HIT Pyrrha in this school!

James: *thoughts* She's fast, can Carl predict her movements?

Pyrrha: Seems I underestimated you Carl. I won't in the future.

Carl slightly smirks as he readies both mercy and death. Carl does a 'bring it' taunt to Pyrrha, making her smirk a little bit. Pyrrha charges towards Carl with her spear and tries to stab him, but in a split second, he activated overdrive in X4 multiplier as he dodged it with ease and attacks her in the back with Mercy and Death.

Carl swings Mercy but Pyrrha blocked it and tries to counter him back but he simply dodged her spear as he swings death again and fires Mercy to her, making her stumble back. As Pyrrha regained her stance she saw Carl in front of her with Mercy ready to swing. Pyrrha tries to attack him but Carl sensed that coming as he dodged it and swings death to her. As his death hits her, he followed it by firing mercy and she was pushed back. Everyone looked at the aura gauge to see Pyrrha is in yellow aura while Carl's aura is little bit drained.

Everyone in the room, including Pyrrha was surprised and in disbelief on what's happening.

The Pyrrha Nikos is getting destroyed by Carl Shadeheart.

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