Chapter 15: Meeting the family

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No one POV

*Time skip the next day after the breach*

It was currently a peaceful day on beacon. Since after the breach, things got a little bit hectic for the students.

They needed to help rebuild Vale after the destruction of the breach. This also means their classes are also moved since they are going to do things like this.

Team RWBY and JNPR is doing well on this but team NMSS stand out on this, almost half of Vale is already done with their help. With Carl's aid, the repair time accelerates faster.

And after doing that, everyone doesn't stop telling that "When are we going to visit!?" to Carl and Lena. And right now, they are going now.

*On team NMSS dorm*

Carl: All right, everything done?

Carl looked at his team mates, wearing their combat attires. Looks like they are excited on this one.

Lena: Why are you all so excited on visiting our house? I mean it's just a visit.

James: Visit!? We are going to visit the famous inventor and the angel's house! That's why we are excited on this!

Kou: Plus, we are going to see Carl's stuff.

Carl: Answer my question, everything is done?

James: Yep!

Carl: All right let's go.

Team NMSS went out on their dorm, only meeting team RWBY and JNPR waiting for them.

Carl: Everyone ready?

Everyone nodded on Carl as Pyrrha went to Carl and hold his hand.

Pyrrha: Let's go. *smiles*

Team RWBY, JNPR and NMSS are now heading out to the Shadeheart's home. It doesn't take them too long to go on the beacon courtyard. As they were walking on the courtyards of beacon, they saw a young man with white hair and grey eyes walking towards them with a stoic expression.

???: *mocking tone* Well well well, if isn't the inventor. I see that you have nice friends there.

Everyone stopped walking as Yang steps up with red eyes

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Everyone stopped walking as Yang steps up with red eyes.

Yang: *angry* Who the hell are you?

James: *getting serious* What do you want?

Carl steps in as he puts his arm to Yang and James.

Carl: I got it. *looks to the white haired guy* He wants me.

Then after that, Carl is walking towards to the white haired huntsman in training as both of them as stoic expression on their face.

James: Everyone prepare yourselves. I have a bad feeling for this.

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