Chapter 6: Hanging out with friends

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Carl POV

Still break time. Damn this takes to long so that I can create new ideas for my weapons! My team already finished eating and we are going to hang out with the others.

James: Looks like everyone is still eating.

Lena: Looks like we are the fastest eaters here.

Kou: And the most eaten food!

Carl: At this rate, we might just loss all the budget of the cafeteria since we ate a lot.

???: Hey over here!

I look at the source of the voice to see Ruby waving at us and signaled us to seat with them. I followed my other team mates and sit with them. As I sit with them, everyone is looking at me, except from my team.

Carl: Ummm, is there something you need?

Then Ruby rushed to me and puts her face closer to me.


Yang: Ruby! Calm down!

Then she stops for a second and breathes deeply as I signaled my team leader.

Carl: Cookie monster, need help!

James sighed as he came to Ruby.

James: Please give my brother here some space. How about a cookie?

Me, Lena and Kou looked to him at disbelief.... Did he just offered his cookies!?

Carl: Did he...

Lena: Just offered his cookies?

Kou: It's happening....

Carl: *thoughts* Let's talk about this. This is VERY unusual for James!

Ruby: Oh! Sorry...

Carl: It's okay. For your answer, my weapons are made of nanobots.

I activated my suit as it took over my skin and everyone is amazed at my tech.

Carl: Including my suit. My suit is combined with particle drives. It has 3 particle drives, that's why I'm too fast for any vehicles. I'm planning that I should create weapons made of nanobots.

Ruby: *turns to Chibi* OH THAT'S SO COOL!

Weiss: I never know that you have that kind of tech. Why didn't you give it to Atlas?

Carl: I never give it to Atlas because it may fall into wrong hands, especially Ironwood.

Everyone nodded at understanding. They continued eating when...

Blake: Hey Carl.

Carl: Yes Blake?

Blake: It's nice on what you did earlier.

Carl: About team CRDL? It's nothing. I just hate the people that discriminates faunus.

Blake smiled at my statement and... Wait... Did her bow just move?

Carl: *thoughts* She's a faunus. Don't worry, I'm not those people that discriminates your kind.

James: Anyways, should we hang out with them?

Carl: Your decision leader.

Kou: I want more food!!

Lena: I eat later, because I'm going to read X ray and Vav.

Jaune: *looks to Lena* Hey Lena? May I read with you?

Lena: *smiles* Sure!

<*Time skip brought to you by James giving cookies to Ruby while the rest of team NMSS is in shock*>

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