Chapter 14

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   I went to school today, emotionless and filled with worry, my anxiety is still lingering in my soul, I can't stop it, I didn't cut myself last night and this morning because Iori is with me, that's why I bring my blade with me today, if I get caught having a blade in my bag, that's a major offense since you can't bring any pointed or sharp objects inside our campus.

  But I know how to hide it, very, very well.

"Good morning Serenity! Mr. Ryou gave me these papers and asked me to hand it to you, he also says that you need to answer them and pass them before reces." Risa said to me as I enter our classroom, she handed me a stack of papers and when I check them, Half of them is math while half of them is French.

"Thank you." I said and bow my head before sitting on my chair.

  As I grab my pen from my bag, I quickly started answering the papers, I need to finish all of this in an hour and it's bothersome since Sora sensei is our first subject and his subject is double period, it means that I have to keep working during his subject and listen to him to his next period.

  The voices around me is blocked and all I can see is the black and white ink in front of me, I need to answer all of these if I want to spend my time with Iori and if I want to cut.

Anxiety ate me up again as I remembered what Tsubaki-nii said, that he never liked me, I guess he's always disgusted by me, why do I even bother being close to them again? I wouldn't even gain a single benefit from it, mother will just scold me again, she will scold my brother too from being close to me again.

  Why am I even so desperate of being loved again!?

I don't even deserve their loves, I don't deserve to be with them, I just want them to notice me before but now, I am being greedy and wants to be loved.

"Ms. Furakawa, are you alright?" a gentle voice whispered into my ear as I look into my right side, Sora sensei is leaning against my table as his eyes is covered with worry, I'm seeing things.

"Y-Yes, sensei." I said and he just nodded before fixing his standing position, before he went to his table, he left a note on my table.

  Hey, if you're worried or stress you can do something to make you calm, like counting the times that you were happy or just think about happy thoughts.

I smiled at the note and look at Sora sensei, I nodded to him and he just smile before he ordered us to pick up our book and go to page 245 but I'm exempted since I'm doing something for the academic competition.

"Sensei, why is Serenity exempted to this? it's so hard!" one of my classmate whin and I frown a bit.

"She's already answering something that is harder than those questions, it is also more advanced since she's a participant of the upcoming academic competition." Sora sensei explained but she just rolled her eyes, sensei saw it.

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