Chapter 28

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I winced as I cut my finger while cutting an onion, I stare at the wall clock and whispered some curse. It's already evening and I'm still learning to cook this stupid carbonara. I am 100% aware that I can't cook and I'm terrible with knives. I put the knife away and clean the bloods on the table.

I sighed and patch it up with a band aid, I just clean the ingredients on my table and went out my kitchen. I went to my living room and stare at the picture beside my TV, it was Serenity. Believe me or not, but I already knew her before because,

she caught my eyes and stole my heart.

I met her during the school ceremony, she's a representative together with Iori Asahina, I also found out that they're twins based on my source. She aced the entrance exam having a tie with her brother, but I noticed something during her speech. Her other eye is covered, while the other one is full of sadness and loneliness.

A goal was set from my mind that day, a goal to make that loneliness strip away from her and replace it with happiness, but I didn't knew that I will fall for her because everyday that I'm seeing her, different feelings are also showing up.

Jealousy, happiness and love. She made a roller coaster inside my heart and she's making me mad everyday, because I know that as her teacher, I shall not touch her and build any relationships with her but the goal is to make her happy.

I broke my limits and live dangerously even though I know that I can lose this job if the higher ups would found out about my own hidden desire for my student.

"Ugh, it's my free day but she's making me tired just by staring at her picture. How dare you make me feel this way, Serenity." I said while smirking.

I felt a vibration from the pocket of my sweat pants, I quickly fish it out and my student Mitsube-san is calling. I answered it and he greeted me with yelling.

"Sensei! I-I and my friends found out about you and Serenity, her brother told us to call you because this is an emergency. Serenity is in the hospital." Mitsube-san said.

"Calm down okay? I'm coming there and please send me the name of the hospital and the room number." I said, but even I was shaking.

I hung up the call and waited for the address of the hospital, as I received it, I quickly changed my clothes, I wore my black jeans and light pink sweater.

I just ride my car to the hospital and as soon as I reached the place. I quickly find her room and as I do, my knees wobbled a bit as my eyes saw her. Tubes were everywhere, her skin is as pale as the snow, her beautiful eyes were closed and as I touched her hand, it felt so cold.


Tears fall from my eyes as I kneel beside her bed, I let a quite sob from my throat and held her hand a bit as I let the coldness of her hand touch me. Why did this happened? she doesn't deserve this.

She doesn't deserve to be treated this way.

"Akamine-san." I heard a voice behind me, I slowly stand up and let go of her hand.

There stood, a man that is identical to Serenity, her twin brother, Iori Asahina. I clenched my fist and face him calmly.

"May I ask, what heppened to her?* I ask him.

"S-She jumped from the bridge n-near our house." he said, I frowned.

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