Chapter 2 Tikki's Bad Dream

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       Tikki  is fast asleep.  It is after Midnight in Paris, France, so she is very tired.  She tosses and turns as usual.   She  did not manage to  close her eyes until past ten that night since she was upset for some unknown reason.  While she sleeps she has a bad dream, which terrifies her!  It is one  crazy nightmare!  

   Here is what happens in Tikki's Dream! 

      Tikki  flies  around in Marinette's room while she eats some chocolate chip cookies. She sees Plagg as he enters the room. She smiles at him.  Only she notices he does not smile back. Instead, he just scowls at her. 

 "Stinky sock, what is wrong?"  Tikki says.  

"Don't stinky sock, me!"  Plagg says. 

 "Why?  what is the matter?" Tikki asks.  

"Nothing, everything is just peachy!" Plagg says.  He winks at Tikki.  Tikki winks back at him and blushes.  Plagg  laughs an evil laugh Ha, ha! 

"You think you can steal my Camembert and get back with it?  Well, no one steals my cheese and gets away with it."  Plagg says. 

 "I didn't take the cheese.  I don't even like it. I only eat cookies and macroons you know this, Plagg."  Tikki says. 

 "Too bad, tootsie roll, I know you have my precious Camembert and until  you return it you better watch your back!"  Plagg says. 

 "Plagg, plagg, what has gotten into you?"  Tikki asks as tears roll down her cheeks.  She worries about him.  She worries a lot.

 "Oh, and one more thing, I am not Plagg. At least that is not anymore, you see now I am more powerful! More powerful than even Chat Noir himself!  I am Destructo and their is nothing you can do about it tootsie roll!"  Plagg says.

  Tikki looks closter at him and just know notices the dark purple butter mask on his face.  "Oh, no!  You have been akumantized!" Tikki says. 

 "Oh, so now you notice!  You know for a sugar cube, you sure a dense as ever!"  He says.  

Tikki screams, "Ah, someone help me, stinky sock is crazy!  Stinky sock is isane!  He is gone mad!" 

 Plagg, pulls out a piece of duck tape and uses it to tape Tikki's mouth shut. 

"There is that's better!  Your screams get on my nerves.  I can't stand to hear you whine, cry or scream.  Besides, I am on Hawkmoth's side now!  If you know what is good for you, then you will join his side too, tootsie!" Destructo says. 

 "Ha, ha!  Ha!"  He laughs.  

Tikki tries to make a noise to warn her holder that Chat's kwami is evil now.  Only she can't!  The duck tape blocks all sound from her mouth. She can barely breathe.  What is she to do now?  She is afraid. More afraid than she has ever been in her life.  She worries she will ever die before she gets the tape off, or that Plagg will destroy all of Paris.

the  end of   Tikki's  Bad Dream

Ah! Ah!  Tikki calls out in her sleep.  She yells so loudly that  Marinette wakes up too.  She looks over at her kwami with concern. She wonders what is it that troubles Tikki , so much in her sleep. She gets up and goes over to her.

    "Tikki, Tikki, wake up!  Tikki, your having a nightmare!"  Marinette says.

   Tikki wakes up and looks at Marinette. She cries.  

 "Oh, Marinette!  It was awful, just awful in my dream, Hawkmoth got my friend Plagg and he had gone crazy and  put tape on my mouth to keep it shut!  Oh, it was just so terrible!"  Tikki says.

  "There, there Tikki, it is okay!  It  was not real, it was just a bad dream that is all!" Marinette says.

 "I know, but some how it seems so real even in a dream!" Tikki says.

"It is okay, I am here!  You are safe and sound! " Marinette tries to reassure her kwami and friend.

   "Thanks, Marinette!  I am glad you are not upset with me that I woke you up.  It was an accident!  I did not mean to disturb your sleep."  Tikki says.

     "I know you did not mean too.  Tikki, it is okay, really.  I was glad I was here because you look horrified.  You look like you almost saw a ghost or something. "  Marinette says.

      "It is just the  nightmare was so vivid.  It was not the first time I have seen this in my sleep either, Marinette."  Tikki says sadly.

       "What?  You mean you had this dream before tonight?  Tikki, why did you not say anything?"  Marinette ask.

     "I did not want to worry you."  Tikki answers.

    "Tikki,your not just my kwami, you are my friend, so anytime something bothers you, you should feel free to let me know."  Marinette says.

     "You are right!  I know you would do the same for me. I  am sorry I did not tell you sooner." Tikki says.

    "Awe, it is all right. I am just glad you are okay."  Marinette replies.

     "Same here, Marinette.  Same here!"  Tikki responds. She curls up on the end of Marinette's  pillow and soon goes back to sleep.  Marinette is happy to see her friend and kwami is calm now. She thinks, Tikki the poor thing, is so shaken up she feel asleep on my pillow.  She smiles though, whispers good night again, Tikki, yawns and dozes off again soon herself.  

    Little did they know what awaits them in the real world!  Little did they know that Tikki's  Bad Dream , or Nightmare was about to possibly come true!  At least part of it, anyway!  For the moment they are asleep without a care in the world.  All of Paris, France appears to be asleep for that matter which just makes the situation even more a thing that none will forget for a long time.

to be continued in Chapter 3   Trixx's Arrival!

Plagg Akumatized  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now