Chapter 21

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Jackie glanced at Clint and then back at Jack who was still staring at her looking utterly confused.



"Send him out."

Jackie nodded and turned to Clint. "Clint...could you please wait outside for me for a minute."

Clint nodded and turned to Jack. "I hope you have a speedy recovery."

Jack glared. 'Save it."


Clint smiled slightly. "Jealousy isn't your best quality...but all the same. Get well soon."

Jackie smiled and watched Clint go out before turning back to her husband. "What can I do for you, Jack?"

"You're not dating him."

"And how do you know that?"

He pointed at her hand. "That's a wedding ring."

"So...maybe we're engaged?"

He shook his head. "No. You don't seem to care for him like that."

She smiled and sat down on his bed. "So...what's the last thing you remember, Jack? Of us."

Jack frowned for a moment trying to remember and then his eyes widened. " and I made love on an airplane."

Jackie grinned. "We did!"

"Why? I mean...why did we do that on an airplane?"

She laughed. "We were making up...and it was the only place we had any privacy."

"Privacy from what?"

Jackie shifted. "You're the President of the United States, Jack."

"And...and I'm not married?!?"

She laughed. " are."

He grinned and met her eyes. "To you. I was right."

She nodded as her eyes began to fill. "Jack..."

He shook his head and pulled her close. "I may not remember our life right at this moment...but I know you'll help me remember. But for now you look like you need kissing badly."

She laughed through her tears. "I just might."

"Well let me help you with that."

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