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I was currently sitting in front of Luca’s desk while he smirked at me. I guess you could say he was amused I had taken his bait and come to get his help. After being beaten up to the point of almost dying after Jack figured out I’d stolen his car, I’d had enough. I didn’t want to be trampled on anymore. I had a way out and I was taking it. No longer was I gonna be that weak girl, I was going to be strong. I was going to save me.

“Help me,” I whispered staring into his silver eyes and he grinned before taking a paper out of his desk and pushing it in front of me.

“First things first, you will not be returning to that house.”

I furrowed my eyes in confusion as I stared at him. “What do you mean I will not be returning? Jack will be furious,” I quickly shouted not meaning to shout making him roll his eyes.

“I’ll deal with Jack. Moving on you’ll come live with me.”

I gave a humorless laugh before saying, “I should have known you wanted me for sex. Of course that’s why you offered to help me, you wanted to use me. You know I kinda guessed there was something up with you offering to help me.”

Luca looked hurt before he masked it with his impassive look that quickly turning into an amused one even though there was nothing amusing about this.

“I’m assuming you want to be guaranteed protection from me, yes?” he asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes that darkened them. My nerves went out of control as I tried to steady my beating heart by staring into his eyes. There was something about him that made me feel uneasy, in a good way.

“That’s right,” I answered making him smirk before he slid a paper towards me that he’d taken from his desk.    

“This is a contract that’ll ensure we both get what we want. I need a wife and you need protection from that asshole of a husband you have. Sign this and I’ll give you the world. I’ll take you from your low class life and make you live like the queen you truly are. You are a queen Grace; I want to help you see that. I’ll give you whatever it is your heart desires, if it’s an island you want I’ll give you; I’ll even give you a planet if you want it.”
I stared at the paper then him before staring back at the paper. My mouth was agape as I thought of what he was saying. I didn’t know if it was a good deal or not. My mind was just reeling with questions wondering what the hell I’d gotten myself into.

“You won’t sleep with me, will you?” I questioned unsurely and he nodded seriously making me instantly believe him.

“Then I’ll get on to reading the contract then,” I told him with a sigh which translated to I’ll consider this deal.

3 weeks, it’d been three weeks and I’d been staying at Luca’s apartment since then. I still hadn’t signed the contract even after a few changes had been made to it. I guess I could say I was scared of what it’d all mean, having a future free of Jack. Jack, his name hadn’t crossed my mind in the 3 weeks I’d left him when I was awake of course. I had nightmares seeing his face everywhere but I knew I’d get through them. That made me happy knowing I could move on from everything he had done to me. I was strong and I knew it. I wasn’t like everyone else, Jack didn’t fully crush my spirit, I still had that fire in me.
I snapped back to reality hearing the shuffling of the house keeper’s feet.

“Grace, it’s time for dinner,” she announced and I smiled before thanking her. I got up from my position at the window that showed a beautiful view of the whole city. This was what I liked about living in Luca’s apartment. It was beautiful, one of those exotic and modern apartments you’d only find in rich people magazines. Sighing I dragged my feet towards the dining room hating the steps I had to go down and feeling bored probably because I hadn’t seen Luca in days. He’d gone to London for business and I had to say I missed his presence. During the three weeks we’d become friends and he helped me with my nightmares. I guess I could say our arrangement where he wanted a wife and me protection would work out well.

“Missed me?” I heard a deep husky voice say making me smile and turn around to see Luca.

“Hey, I had missed you. How are you?” I quickly mumbled while clinging onto Luca after I’d just on him squishing him in a bear hug.

“I’m good now,” he whispered hugging me back, an emotion I couldn’t quite decipher lacing his voice. I shrugged it off before leading him to the kitchen where we were going to have dinner. I didn’t like having to sit on Luca’s huge dining table alone hence requesting my food is served in the kitchen.

“So how have you been,” he asked me with a smile playing at his lips and I shrugged before getting up and running to my room. I quickly ran back before sliding the contract in front of him. I then signed it using the pen he provided making him smile smugly while I rolled my eyes.

“Well, let’s get married,” I whispered staring into his grey eyes that had darkened and he just closed them before reopening them and agreeing with me.

“Let’s make you a Marcel.”

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