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3 weeks and 6 days and 5 hours had been the time that had passed since I’d talked to Luca let alone see him. He ‘worked late’ and went to work early before I woke up. I didn’t allow myself to dwell on that though. I made sure I invested my time in learning my self defense and working on my exhibit that I wanted to be spectacular.

Realizing I wasn’t listening to anything Caleb was saying I confessed seeing as he was waiting for a reaction to whatever he had said.

“I wasn’t listening, sorry.”
He looked annoyed and pissed which I wouldn’t blame him for. Whenever someone zoned out on me I’d go crazy shouting obscenities at them in foreign languages.

“I was telling you I got a girlfriend you animal,” he repeated clearly annoyed and I squealed upon hearing him.

“Her name is Charlene and I want you to meet her,” he told me and I looked up from my phone before shaking my head.

“I can only meet her after my exhibit mainly because once I meet her I’ll want us to hang out and go to Paris for shopping and to Africa for game safaris you know?”

Caleb rolled his eyes with a laugh. “My brother spoils you too much Grace.”

I winked before taking a call I’d just received. It was one of the planners who were helping me with my exhibit which I was super excited for. We checked everything and finally I cut the call and was met by an annoyed looking Caleb.

“I’m going home now; you’re a terrible host Gigi. A really terrible host, I’m out of here,” he said dramatically before leaving. I waved until he was out of sight and I felt the hole in my chest despite me trying to fill it with work and my training. Truth was I really missed Luca but I didn’t want to complicate things or make him get hurt. I also didn’t trust myself to be in a relationship after Jack because Jack wasn’t always a monster once upon a time he was sweet and gentle.

I quickly brushed those thoughts away and headed for a nap which I desperately needed. Because of Luca absence I didn’t really sleep well alone in this huge apartment. Of course I had bodyguards and all but none of them were Luca and Luca was what I wanted and needed. He was both a necessity and a luxury.

“Luca, why would you want to have to draft down a contract to get a wife when you could easily get one if you wanted? I mean you’re only 27 and you’re very attractive,” I said as we were out on the beach on one of our many vacations.

“I don’t know maybe because you’re a special woman and I couldn’t get you any other way,” he replied with a wink causing my cheeks to heat up.

“Seriously Luca, why did you help me like that?” I questioned staring into his burning eyes that almost trapped me in their intensity.

“Cause I relate to you,” he replied shrugging nonchalantly.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion while turning so that I could lie on my side.

“Have you ever been abused?” I whispered scared to make him close up again.

“Not me but someone I care about. It was my sister, Camilla. She was married to an abusive husband who later pushed her to commit suicide.

The look she held in her eyes and that smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes was the same look you had when I saw you. I really loved her and looked up to her and hearing that she’d committed suicide while I was at school crushed me. When I saw you that night I felt obliged to help you like that would be something I could do for Camilla.”

I gave Luca a small smile and he started talking before I could say something, “Plus my business really needed me to have a wife. It’s good for my sales.” He winked and I rolled my eyes with a smile. This was progress considering Luca never shared anything personal.

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