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I stared at the rock on my finger and I smiled before chuckling at myself. I was enjoying my ticket to freedom and I loved it and all its perks. Who would’ve known that getting married to an ass like Jack who would abuse me would make me get saved by an angel - Luca who gave me all my heart’s desires? My guess is no one.

“Grace baby hurry up,” I heard Luca say and I smiled and chuckled before taking my purse while following him to our car. Yes it was our car because during the last six months we had tied the knot according the instructions in the contract of course. There was nothing between us, Luca needed a wife for show and I didn’t want a relationship. Our arrangement was perfect for each of us, no hassles and most of all no strings attached. He opened the door of the black Mercedes Benz for me and I got in and he walked to the other side of the car with his walk graceful and elegant almost perfect. As soon as he got in the driver drove off making me squeal in delight, on the inside of course. My life was finally perfect. 

“So Mrs. Marcel, how did you like the Caribbean islands?” Luca asked me with a smile and I smiled back literally glowing because of all the happiness I was feeling. It was nice to be happy. I didn’t have to be controlled; I was free in a good way not thinking off all the abuse.

“I absolutely loved the Caribbean islands,” I replied staring into his grey orbs that were boring into mine. His lips twitched and he sort of smiled before leaning into his seat while tapping away at his phone.

My phone then buzzed and I looked at the message on it which made my heart sink.

Hey Grace, missed me                          
Jack Xo

I read the message over and over and tried to calm my beating heart. I placed my phone in my purse and stared out the window taking discreet deep breaths.

“Grace?” I heard Luca say and I gave him a small smile before closing my eyes and leaning against the window.
I hated this, just when I thought my life was perfect then something bad had to happen. We arrive home, yes home and as we were about to head inside I was suddenly pushed back by Luca.

“Stay there,” he commanded which was something I wasn’t comfortable with after Jack. He went on to get into the house with the driver leaving me outside the apartment alone and a bit scared. What the hell was going on?

Deciding not to listen to him I followed them inside while making sure I wasn’t making any noise. As I got further into the apartment I was met with the stench of blood. I gagged but continued walking when I saw a sight that was going to forever be imprinted in my mind.

“Oh my God,” I whispered unable to find my voice so that I could scream.

“Grace I thought I told you to stay outside,” Luca yelled hurrying to my side so that he could cover the scene.
“Who did that? Oh gosh what the hell is happening?” I whispered quickly beginning to hyperventilate.

“I don’t know yet but we need to get you out of here now,” Luca said wrapping his suit jacket around my shoulders.

I tried to blink back the tears of seeing our housekeeper’s head hung on a wall with a black rose on her ear. This was crazy. Her body was hung beside her body and she’d been stripped naked and spray painted Xo making me think back to the text that had the letters Xo. I knew who was responsible but I couldn’t exactly do anything. If I told Luca he’d involve the cops and people would get hurt.
This had happened before when I’d tried to run and he’d reached out like he had hurting people in the process.

“Grace, are you okay?” Luca questioned making my tears spill.

“Hell no I’m not okay! I just saw a person murdered in the most gruesome way ever. How the hell can I be okay?” I yelled not meaning to yell as we were both sitted in the back seat of the car while Bob, our driver was taking us to one of the hotels Luca owned or as he said we owned.

“Come here,” he coaxed and I went into his arms trying to calm my beating heart and stop the images of the gruesome murder.

“We’ll get through this okay and I’ll find out who did that, you can count on me,” he whispered while playing with my hair and I nodded taking a deep breath. It was going to be okay; I needed to believe that for a while.

“Good morning beautiful,” I heard Luca say and I felt like pinning him to the wall because of the noise he was making. He sounded so loud. Why the hell was he screaming? I wasn’t deaf for crying out loud.

“Dude, why are you screaming?” I groaned trying to cover the light that was coming from the windows he had opened so wide like he was a maniac.

“I’m not,” he continued and I grabbed the empty wine bottle that was beside me and threw it at him which of course he caught easily and effortlessly.

“Violent much?” he questioned making me scream for him to shut up.

If you hadn’t guessed Luca and I had drunk ourselves to sleep and now I was hung-over. It shocked me how Luca looked perfectly fine and me, I was a mess but then again a man like Luca had it together. Rolling his eyes at my behaviour he tossed me a bottle of water and handed me two pills probably Advil. Quickly drinking the pills I headed to the bathroom which I instantly fell in love with.

It was white, with a huge tub that could fit two grown people comfortably. There was also a shower with showerheads that were calling out to me; they were so amazing, my beautiful silver showerheads. The floor was tiled and there was a huge sink to the right side of the room with a mirror on top of it and a long one to the left.

Brushing my teeth quickly I stripped and decided to get into the shower. The showerheads needed me then the most unexpected thing happened. Luca just entered the bathroom and I was stark naked.

“Luca get out!” I screamed causing him to chuckle and fold his arms flexing his muscles in the process and sit on the bathtub that faced the shower.

I tried to hide my body parts as best as I could making him to laugh at my expense.

“Come on you act like I haven’t seen it,” he said causing my face to flush embarrassing me even further.

“F*ck you Luca,” I mumbled when I’d finally mustered the courage to walk out of the shower under his burning gaze that was enough to terrify a grown man but for some reason it didn’t terrify me, it just made me feel nervous and self conscious. As I walked out I made you I raised my middle finger causing Luca to stare at me with an amused look yet there was something else that twinkled in his grey eyes. Almost as if it was lust but I wasn’t sure and I didn’t want to be sure. Things like that complicated things.

“So about the f*cking issue, should we cause you seemed to insist?” I heard Luca say humoring me with the way his eyes looked as the racked my body as I changed into a yellow dress.

“Shut the hell up,” I told him feeling my face heat up in embarrassment. Rolling my eyes and using my blonde hair to cover my eyes I jumped on the bed while pretending to sulk. He smirked at my suspense before coming to hug me causing a smile to make its way to my lips.

“No drinking for us anytime soon?” he questioned into my hair and I laughed before nodding.

“Definitely no drinking,” I agreed laughing with him joining me. 
Finally things didn’t feel as scary as they did last night. I had Luca and that was okay.

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