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Luca and I were having breakfast at some café in town whilst surrounded by bodyguards that were hopelessly trying to be discreet. I had spotted them as soon as I’d got in the café and when they were tailing the car. Luca really needed security that was his money’s worth. 

“Grace?” I hummed in response to Luca calling me while stealing his bacon.

“I was thinking you should get self defense lessons,” he said making me stop stealing his bacon and look up at him uncertainly.

“Absolutely not,” I replied and went back to taking his food.

“It’d be good for you; you need to learn to be independent in case anything happens. You are strong and beautiful and doing this would make you stronger so that if anything ever happens I know you’ll be safe.”
I stared at him before sighing and telling him I’d think about it. It sounded okay and I guess it would help me find myself. The text then flashed in my mind and I immediately agreed feeling scared and nervous but I wasn’t going to be scared if anything happened.

“I just remembered I need to go and see your mum, I’ll see you tonight,” I told him giving him a peck on his cheek making him sulk.

“Hey, it’s our mom,” he corrected making me roll my eyes but agree nonetheless.

I grabbed my clutch and my phone and as I was heading out it buzzed and I looked at the message on it making me squeal and turn a few people’s heads. Apologizing quickly I ran and showed Luca the message on it saying I had gotten the opportunity to exhibit my art.

When I’d gone to college I’d majored in art but didn’t really do any painting because of Jack. He’d made me lose my inspiration and didn’t like to see me painting. It angered him for some reason but when being with Luca who didn’t mind what I did with my life, I’d started following my passion again. I really loved painting and I painted a lot whenever I got the chance to and now I was being given an opportunity to share my work. I was more than ecstatic.

“Well done, I’m so proud of you,” he said after reading it before engulfing me in a hug.

“I wouldn’t have done this without you and your support. You’re such a great friend Luca, I’m super grateful,” I told him with a grin and he had disbelief plastered across his face but he masked it with a blank look.

“Friend?” he questioned incredulously with disbelief on his face again. When he asked that question I felt my heart drop. I didn’t know why though.

“Aren’t we?” I asked with a nervous laugh.

“Of course we are,” he said before getting up and leaving without saying anything else. Before he left I noticed something about him. He looked closed up almost as if I’d just messed up everything which I had.

Sighing and ignoring the hole in my heart that had just been burrowed in by Luca’s attitude towards me. I closed my eyes before heading out where the driver was waiting for me. The door was already opened and he nodded while I got in before closing it and driving to my mum’s house.

“Hey Caleb, what are you doing here?” I asked whilst hugging him. Caleb was Luca’s little brother.

“Well I was supposed to meet mom but she isn’t here and you look stunning,” he told me giving me his signature grin. Yes Caleb smiled a lot which was why I liked him. I twirled in my short tight fitting black dress that reached mid thigh with a little leather on it giving it a bad a*s kinda look not to mention the killer black heels I was rocking that were killing my feet.

“Thank you Caleb and I was also supposed to meet mom. I guess we could just chill until she comes back?” I asked and he nodded before we headed to his old room before he moved out.

“You okay?” he asked as soon as we were settled. By settled we were both lying in his bed whilst leaning on the headboard stuffing our faces with ice cream.

“I’m both I guess. I got the opportunity to exhibit my art in a couple of weeks and I kinda fought with Luca,” I told him with a sad smile and while eating more ice cream.

“Congratulations on the art exhibit and what happened with my brother?” he asked and I shook my head before telling him everything. Caleb was the only one who knew about the marriage being based on a contract only because he had seen the contract in my room.

“So you’re telling me you regard my brother as your friend?” he questioned staring at me incredulously. Why was everyone so shocked about this?

“It’s complicated Caleb,” I told him with a loud sigh.

“You haven’t answered my question,” he prodded making me glare at him.

“If I say that I feel something that’s more than friendship I’ll complicate things and things are so well. Luca is like my savior and my best friend. He’s like the friend I never had,” I explained with a small smile playing at my lips.

“How’d you complicate things?”

“A part of my past has arisen and I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

Shock was an understatement to describe Caleb’s face.

“You can’t be talking about Jack,” he whisper yelled making me glare but nod nevertheless.

“You are playing with fire Grace,” he reprimanded me like he would a five year old which made me scowl.

“He texted me and I didn’t even reply.”

“Get a new phone and a new number Grace that maniac will kill you.”
I stared at Caleb and then stared at the bed.

“I’m scared Caleb,” I finally admitted with teary eyes. He then hugged me while whispering everything would be okay but I wasn’t too sure. Not this time. 

Suddenly my phone buzzed and I checked the message which made the hole in my heart grow bigger. It was Luca telling me not to wait up. That was how it always started.

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