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As one book closes, another one opens

But when one hero makes a wish that turns the tides

What happens?

The Revival happens....

But not in the way you would think

Prophecy 1

"Once there was six protectors fire, earth, electricity, the end, water, and plants"

"All makes up the dimensions through out the land, but each power has their own path to make"

"Fire has to take over the nether and tame something that lays in wait, the earth power has to gain control of the overworld"

"The electricity must learn how to use its power to take over a beast like no other"

"While the end must tame its griffin and take over the end and take over the precious item"

"The water must tame the waves and finish a trial from the ocean, while the nature or plants must gain control of the mythical forest, and save the mythical animal that waits for them"

"All have a role to play but once they master their powers they will rise and defeat the evil that lay asleep in the lands"

"but they will only have one chance to free the land from the evil"

"If they fail the chance the land will fall into a force of evil where none can return to the light"

"The beast they fight is mighty far mightier than any other beast"


"Six protectors of the land"

"Fail in battle against a might plan"

"The land was plunged into darkness"

"Until the descendants arose to their ancestor's place"

"The battle may have been started by the descendants"

"But the true battle lies with friendship"

"Fire and Antimatter started the war"

"But it will end with a mighty roar"

"And the world will live in light once more"

"Thanks to the son of powers"

"For he gave up everything for his friends"

"He truly died a heroes death in the past"

"But I later died a protector's death"

"Which is why my friends wept when I took their powers"

"To save the world"

"Was my only plan"


Metal Tree Trunks and Wooden Machine Guns!!!!

Chapter 1 will be out in a bit!!

The Pack of Heroes :RevivalWhere stories live. Discover now