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My names John Archer. I was born on December 17, 1990 and was born in Barrow, Alaska. I had a loving mom and dad and I had a twin sister as well. My mom's name was Amanda, who loved cooking and was a chef, and my dad's name was Connor, who loved baseball and was a doctor. My sister was named Mary. When I was 4, my family moved to Dallas, Texas. I grew up shooting guns, arrows, basically anything that shot out a projectile. I also had incredible accuracy with anything that a threw or, hell, I could be able to hit a tin can 50 yards away with a paper clip and a rubber band.
I grew up having a normal life. I played a lot of sports, but I fell in love with track and cross country. I loved running and exercising. I became obsessed with being as fast as I can, and being super fit. So I trained everyday and did track and cross country for my entire elementary school and middle school, and by the end of middle school, I was able to run 50 yards in 4 seconds, run a 14 in 3 hours and ten minutes, and do 289 pushups and 324 sit-ups 136 pull-ups in 12 minutes.
But I never really knew what I wanted to do in life, I loved running and working out and all, but I never really wanted it to be my career. But then one day, my sister came running down the stairs and said "Guess what, we're gonna join the military and be the best ones there and we're gonna kill some motherfuckers and jump out of planes and go swimming and do some cool shit and there's a 85 to 95 percent chance we're gonna die." I said "Sign me up." Now we're twins, but she's seven minutes older then me, so she was the boss back in the day and still let's me know about it. So what we would do is that she'd come up with a plan and I'd have to do and if I came out ok then it was a great idea, if I came out with blood all over me, crawling, dragging my leg then she'd say, "Man we need to rethink this." So what we did was that she had set up a bunch of courses that she saw in the movies and "made it better" and I had tested them but they were a bit "harsh" meaning I got a compound fracture on my arm, got a concussion, bleeding everywhere, breaking my femur, and got a bunch of burns. She thought I was fine until I went into a coma and then she realized, man I need to rethink this.
High school was normal for me as well. Freshman year I was 6 foot 4 inches and 180 pounds. I was top of my classes and did sports as well and was still number one for track and cross country. I got a girlfriend after homecoming as well named Charlotte and I was also a bit of a trouble maker, I made good grades though to make up for it.
It wasn't until I was 16 when everything changed. When I was heading home from practice when I walked in my house and saw blood on the walls. My family kept hidden guns in the house, so I grabbed one of them that was near the door. I slowly made my way to the living room, and I saw it. My dad had murdered my mom with a metal bat, and my sister was alive, but barely. My dad saw me, and he came at me trying to swing his bat to hit me. Before he could, I shot and killed him.

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