Chapter 7: Search and Rescue

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"Chalk 4, take part of the convoy and get wounded out now. Chalk 3 and Chalk 2, head to the crash site. Recon 2, provide cover support. Recon 1 head over to the crash site and investigate from the air. Delta and SEAL, load the prisoners up and then head to base. Chalk 1, provide security for them." Garrison ordered.
We headed to the crash site, popping heads when we had the chance. Somehow Mary took 3 out with one bullet. "Try doing that with an arrow." "Alright Mary, I take back everything I said." She did this three times in a row. "Archers, I'm at the crash site. It's possible that there's survivors here, but the Rangers better pick up the pace." Gordan said. "Rangers, need you guys to pick up the pace, and I'm seeing a whole lot of Angels straight ahead of you. Take a right now, keep straight 120 meters. We'll watch your backs." I said.
First hour already went by and I've already killed 41 Angels. Mary killed 48. "Archers, I'm seeing a lot of exchanged fire happening. Where the hell are those Rangers?" Gideon said. "Chalk 2 and 3 they're not gonna last very long what's your eta?" "ETA 5 minutes, we're being shot from inside the buildings and we're sticking behind cover but there's not a lot of it. We're doing the best we can. Don't worry about us right now. Go help the other snipers and cover the chopper."
     We went over there and it was the biggest gun fight I've ever seen. One person against 1000. "Garrison, permission to fly down and extract the wounded." Gordan said. "Permission granted." "Alright here's the plan, Recon one is going down and grab the wounded. You two cover us." 5 minutes later, they call in and said they have to extract that soldier now or else he ain't gonna make it the pilots and support gunner are stuck inside and is gonna take awhile to get out. After 20 fucking minutes, the Rangers get there but are under heavy fire. They tried getting them out, but they need either a blowtorch or a really big fucking crane. Both aren't good options. They decided to set up a perimeter around the chopper in the north, east, and south buildings until the rest of the crew gets here.
     "RPG RPG!" A rocket was coming straight at us, but somehow Mary shot it out of the air with a fucking rifle. Guess I was wrong after all. "Archers this is the convoy! We're in some deep fucking shit right now. Can you provide support?" "Knight, Gunner, do you think you could hold down the fort? Convoys needs support." "Yeah go we got it." We got to the convoy and there was so much gunfire I could tell the cars from the buildings. It was one bullet left and right, one rocket after another. "MAN DOWN I REPEAT SERGEANT JONES (Chalk 4 ranger) IS DOWN." Knight said. "What's his status?" Garrison said "KIA sir." Knight said. "This is Miller here. Soldier is KIA.  Chalk 4 and Recon 1 has made back to base and is headed back to the crash site now."
       At this point we were wasting all of my ammo trying to help the convoy. After killing one, two more takes its place. "I'm burning through my ammo right now, how much longer to the RV?" Mary said. "If we keep moving like this, we can get to No Man's Land in 8 minutes. After that, we can make it to base on our-" "FUCK MILLERS HIT! He's KIA." Zoe said.
8 minutes of hell went by. During those 8 minutes, I've already killed 21 Angels and Mary killed 19. We continued to cover support, but Chalk 4 was having a hard time trying to get to the crash site. The Angels have set up roadblocks to block the route. They circle around to get there and it's taking them forever.
"Everyone, we have another chopper down. I repeat we have another chopper down." Garrison said. "Why can't we get a fucking break already?" The pilot said. "Let's go to the crash site and scout it out." I said. So we went there, but it was 7 miles away from the other crash site. There's no way the crew could get here before the Angels do. "John, we gotta go to that crash site ourselves. If we don't, the Angels will kill them before any of the crew gets here." Mary said. "Make the call to Garrison." "Garrison, this is Mary. We're asking permission to secure the secondary crash site and set up a perimeter until the ground support arrives." "Permission denied. You're more use in the air." "Sir, you don't understand. There's 500 Angels going to the crash site right now. And the closest rescue squad is only 500 feet in the air. If we wait til ground support arrives, they're gonna kill everyone at the site, cut off their heads, and put it on a stick in front of us where we're gonna see on CNN. We know what we're asking here." "Alright, Recon 2. Put them down."
He set us down 100 yards away from the crash site. Once we got there, we saw the pilot firing back at the Angels with an MP5. One tried to sneak up on him, but I put an arrow between his eyes. "Friendlies!" We said. "God, it's good to see you." "Good to see you too! Mary what's the status of the rest of them?" "Didn't make it." "Alright man, how bad?" "Broken arm, and my leg feels weird." "Alright cover me Mary I'm pulling him out." The pilot screamed in agony. Mary took down 3 Angels with one bullet...again (showoff). She also grabbed a M4 in the chopper. I set him down near an alley so he can cover our backs. Mary gave him the M4 so he was 2 guns. "Alright its ready to fire! You see any Angels coming behind us, you watch our 6! We'll be here if you need us." Mary said. "Wait! Where's the rescue squad?" "We're it!" "Turrets are toast, our guns is all we got." Then came the biggest gun fight of my life. After one Angel it was another, then another, then another. I had to reload every 17 seconds. I was running out fast. The spare ammo from the chopper was the only backup I had. Then after that is my crossbow. Mary was trying her best to conserve her ammo. Trying to hit 3-5 guys with one bullet. "John I'm out I need a mag!" "I gave her 3, and I only had 3 left. The pilot was doing fine, no one really saw him.
        "BUCK WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" "There's blockades everywhere, we're going by foot, ETA 15 minutes." "WE DON'T HAVE 15 MINUTES" I said. One Angel snuck up on me through the cockpit and shot my crossbow but Mary got him before he got another shot off. One Angel charged at Mary and before Mary could react he threw his gun at her and tackled her with a knife. I turned around but I couldn't get a shot off. Then I got shot at so I had to hop off the chopper and I tried to pull the guy off him but another got behind me and put me in a chokehold. Mary disarmed him  but he put her neck up to a shard of glass on the broken window. But Mary held back and threw him off and grabbed the shard and threw it straight into his eye. I grabbed my pistol and shot him right next to my ear. I was disoriented but I had to get back and cover. I got back and there was too many of them.
      "John le-ooph" Angel shot Mary and I got him back. "You alright?" "Yeah vest caught it. fuck that hurt." She handed me a match and said, "John open the gas door and put a match in there." "Are you dumb?" "You got a better idea?" "Find a RPG off one these fucks and blow it up?" "Yeah you wanna go through them cause I highly doubt you have more then 15 rounds left." "Give me your camelback." She gave me it and I cut off the tube and used it as a siphon hose to get the gas out and I lit a match and set the gas on fire. We went to the pilot who turned out to be dead which kinda explained a lot. I carried him and Mary took the ammo.
        "RP-!" RPG blasted us away. I lost my guns, the pilot wasn't in my sight, and Mary  wasn't moving. Angels were getting closer. Then when an Angel put the barrel of his gun to my head, Zoe shot him and the rest of the SEALs and Delta came in and killed the rest of the Angels. "How'd you find us?" I said. "Blood trail, I'm guessing it was from the pilot." Zoe said and she picked me up. Mary got back up with the help of Austin. "How are you holding up?" Anderson said. "We're alright, but we're out of ammo." Logan, Scott, Austin, Zoe, and Hunter gave me and Mary a mag of 5.56. "Alright plan is we head back to the crash site, regroup with the Rangers, and wait til backup arrives." Logan picked up the body and we headed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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