chapter one

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After the last bell rang to dismiss us, I rushed out to meet Sam by the bike rack at the front of the school. We were supposed to meet here because we were going to walk to Drivers Ed together.

She wasn't here yet since her class was clear on the other side of the school, so I decided to sit on the bench until she got here. Ten minutes went by and she still hadn't come out, so I went in to look for her.

I began walking down the hallway, endless lockers lining the walls. I took the first right since that's where Sam's locker was.

I saw her leaning against the lockers, gazing up at her boyfriend, Noah. I honestly wasn't surprised at the sight I saw in front of me. Every single time Sam had a chance to be with Noah, she was with him. I don't understand why, though. To me, guys are just a waste of time in high school. The chances of lasting and actually getting married are basically impossible. It's pointless and in the end, all it does is make you feel miserable and alone.

I hollered down the hallway to get Sam's attention, but she was too distracted by Noah. Luckily, Noah noticed me and pointed at me, showing Sam that I was here. She instinctively started walking towards me, but before she took another step, Noah made sure he kissed her goodbye.

I have to admit, Noah does make Sam happy and I thank him for that everyday. I remember when she used to be completely miserable, so bad to the point where she wouldn't even show up to school until eleven because she couldn't seem to drag herself out of bed in the morning.

After they were finally done making their little exchange, Sam ran over to me while checking the time.

"It's five minutes until Drivers Ed starts and we still have to walk over to the other school," I raised my voice at her.

"I'm sorry! Noah wanted to talk to me after school and I couldn't just blow him off!" she defended.

"Whatever, we need to go," she knew that I was beyond mad.

The walk there was silent as I watched the clock quickly hit 3:30. We were now late to our first class and it was because Sam "needed" to see her boyfriend.

"What did he want anyways?" I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"He just asked me on a date Saturday night, not that you would care."

She was right, I really didn't care, but instead of saying that I decided to go with, "cool."

We arrived to Drivers Ed about ten minutes late, and our teacher just shook her head and pointed at two seats for us to sit at.

Sam decided to take the seat in the front of the class, and I decided to take the seat that was two seats behind her, in the back. The first person I noticed was the guy sitting right in front of me, in between Sam and I.

(Hey guys, thanks for reading! I know this book seems really shitty right now but I promise it gets better. I have so many exciting plot twists coming up and I really hope you like them. If you have any questions or suggestions about the book, please comment! Thank you so much for reading, it means the world.)

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