chapter five

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I pulled into the parking lot of B-Bops about an hour later. I had texted Harry saying I would be a while considering how far away I was. I noticed Harry sitting at a table outside the restaurant. I was assuming he saw the headlights because he looked up and gave me a weary smile.

His skin was paler and his eyes seemed distant when I saw him. I stepped out of the car and it was my first instinct to ask what was wrong.

"Please sit down?" he asked me. I nodded and headed over to take a seat.

I was beyond scared of the words that were about to leave his mouth. He let out a deep breath before beginning to speak.

"I'm sorry for coming to you with my problems but I don't know who else to go to. Amy's sleeping and my parents," he paused. His head dropped down as I could see his eyes beginning to water. "I don't know. I need to get out of here."

He took a moment to collect his thoughts. I didn't know what he was talking about but I was scared as hell. I didn't want him to leave because he was really the only person I had besides Sam.

Shit. I needed to tell Sam about leaving. I would head to Sam's house first thing after I got done talking to Harry, I decided.

"My parents are disowning me," Harry had finally spoke. He stared at me with a worried expression plastered over his face, waiting for me to answer.

Where the hell did that come from?

I didn't know his past with his parents, or his life really. He seemed like such a sweet kid that would respect everyone, especially his parents. I wasn't sure how to respond so I decided to reach over and tuck my hands into his. It was a small gesture, but I couldn't figure out what else to do.

I had never had to help a friend through something like this before so I was at a loss of words. I had no idea how to comfort someone through something so painful.

He took a deep breath and I could feel him slouch down in his seat. I wished he would've told me more about the issue because it would've been easier to comfort him. At that point, I was completely lost in what was happening in his life.

We sat in silence for what seemed like an hour and through the course of the time I finally decided to say some something, anything.

"Why?" I whispered, it almost felt like I was in shock.

He shook his head and opened his mouth to begin talking, but closed it before any words came out. I couldn't decide whether it was because he didn't want to tell me or because he didn't know.

His eyes began watering again, except this time instead of avoiding eye contact, he looked straight into my eyes. His eyebrows were furrowed, giving him a worried expression.

He stared into me and it was almost as if I could feel the pain he was going through. My heart began aching for him and I couldn't stand to see him like this any longer. I wanted him to be happy.

"I'm leaving home," I said to him, hoping to get a response.

He looked at me, confused. "But you," he paused, "you seem so happy."

"Eh," I shrugged my shoulders. "It's my decision, though. I want to leave."

I could see his eyes pacing around, probably wondering why I would've left my house if I had the option to stay.

"I want to come with you," he had spoken quickly. I wasn't sure why or when he decided this, but he seemed so sure of his decision that I didn't question him.

I nodded my head. "Cool. I'm planning on swinging by Sam's to tell her and grab a few things from my house then I'm leaving. You can come with me if you want," I hesitantly asked.

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks, kid," he responded hopefully.

Then we got in the car and began driving.

(Hey guys so I'm planning on updating a lot more! Probably around 2-3 times a week since volleyball just got over and I have nothing better to do with my life. Thanks for reading and I love you all! xo).

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