chapter four

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By the time I had finally gotten there, it was nearly 11. I got out of the car and began walking towards the large body of water that seemed to comfort me.

I looked around, noticing how big and empty the place seemed. I felt so small, but so comfortable.

I sat down so that the water created just a thin layer overtop of my feet. I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs.

I breathed in, taking in the beautiful sight around me. I closed my eyes and began to clear my mind. The only sound around me was the waves crashing down on the shore and it seemed like the only thing that could comfort me at that moment.

I was ready to leave that shithole of a town. I wanted to get as far away from there as I could. I had nothing to stay there for other than Harry, but he had a girlfriend so it seemed pointless. Well not pointless but I shouldn't have wait around for a guy like that. It's not healthy and high school relationships never last anyways.

I was on the verge of leaving but I would need my own car and I would need to finish drivers ed. I wasn't even supposed to be there because it was illegal for me to drive, but I needed to get out of that house.

I finally decided to leave. I didn't need to finish drivers ed and it wasn't like my mom would even notice if I left. She was so drugged up so how could she notice?

I got into the car and turned on the engine before I realized my phone was vibrating on the passenger seat. I bent over to look at who was calling.

"No caller ID," it read. I decided to answer it even though I wasn't sure who it was.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Um... hey," said a deep, sleepy voice. "It's Harry." Why would he be calling me that late?

"Why are you calling me at midnight?" I was straight up with him.

"I um... are you busy right now?" he asked.

"Not really, why?"

"Can we meet somewhere?"

"Harry it's midnight. Why do you need to see me right now?" I was getting worried about him.

"Just trust me. Meet me at the B-Bops right down the street of the school," he demanded. I could hear him shuffling around through the speaker.

"Okay?" I said as he hung up the phone. What the hell?

(To whoever's reading this, thank you! I'm still in the process of learning how to write better so thanks for reading this far and yeah. If you have any tips to become better please comment and let me know! I'm really excited to keep writing this and I hope you guys love it. Thanks a million.)

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