A Lazy Morning Mullette

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Ok so this chapter is a requested mullette chapter from trashy_mammal ! I would also like to thank Snowstream_ again for helping brainstorm ideas! I hope you enjoy this floooooof!

(Modern Au)
Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette POV

I was sleeping peacefully, curled up in Herc's arms until I feel something jump on top of me.

"WAKE UP PAPA!" Our little daughter Marie screamed, shaking me and the whole bed. I groan and sit up. I look over at Herc and he was somehow still asleep. "Papa!" She says and sits in my lap. "What is it ensoleillement?" I say and give her a hug. She giggle and puts her arms around my neck. "I wanna cook!" She said. I smiled and stood up with her still clinging to me. "Of course!" I say and carry her downstairs and to the kitchen.

"What do you wanna make?" I say, setting her down. "Hmmm?" She says and puts here hand on her chin like she was thinking. I laughed and booped her nose. She giggle and swatted at my hand. "Stop is silly!" She said and I laughed again. "We should make croissants!" She said and started to bounce up and down. I grin and nod. "I'll have you know ensoleillement, I make a pretty mean croissant!" I say and pick her up, twirling her around. She laughs and then I set her down on the counter.

I grab all the ingredients and lay them out on the counter. I had butter, flour, salt, yeast, and milk. Anything else for dough? Wait! I need the sugar. I open the cabinet door and grab the sugar. I then heat the oven up.

"Ok, first we need to wash our hands." I say and pick her up. I walk over to the sink and we wash our hands. I dry her hands off and then my own.

"Are you ready ensoleillement?" I say and she frantically nods. I laugh and I measure out all the ingredients and let her pour them in the bowl. I grab a wooden spoon and let her mix. She was really able to so I put my hand on top of hers and mix it until we couldn't mix it with the spoon anymore.

"Get ready, we're gonna have to use our hands." I say and she smiles. I reach in the bowl and start to mix everything together thoroughly. I leave the dough in the bowl and grab some parchment paper and spread it out on the counter. I put some flour on it and grab some dough. I roll it out then fold it together. I repeat it two more times and then shape it into a croissant. I grab a pan and put croissant on it.

"You wanna try ensoleillement?" I say and look over at her. She nods and I grab a stool so she could reach the counter. I guide her hands and then I let her shape it into something that somewhat resembled a croissant.

"Good job ensoleillement!" I say and give her a high five. She giggles and then smiles brightly at me. I smile at her proudly and pull her into a hug. "Je t'aime tellement beaucoup de soleil." I say and bury my head into her fuzzy hair. She smiles and wraps her arms around my neck. "Je t'aime aussi papa!" She said and giggled. I set her down and we used the rest of the dough we had left. We were able to make about six and then cooked them.

When they were done, I pulled them out of the oven and glazed them with butter. Marie and I admired our work and waited for it to cool off.

"Marie, go get daddy!" I say and ruffle her hair. She smiles and nods. She runs up the stairs calling out "Daddy" all the way up. I laugh and smile at how adorable she is.

She soon emerged with Herc trailing behind her while she was pulling him along. I laugh and he rubs his eyes. Marie runs over to me and leaps into my arms. I immediately catch her and pull her close. I then rested her on my hip and looked over at her.

"What did I say about jumping at me with out warning me." I say and laugh softly. She giggles and nods. "You said not to because you could miss me but I could just hug you and never fall of!" She said and waved her arms around. I laughed and booped her nose. She giggled again and Herc walked over towards us and pulled us both into a hug. We all laughed and eventually pulled away.

"What did you guys make?" Herc said, gesturing to the croissants. He know what they are but he always loves seeing Marie's eyes light up.

"We made croissants!" She said, bouncing up and down. Herc chuckled and picked her up. "I bet they are good." He said and looked over at me. "You guys go sit at the table! I will bring the food!" I say and start to get out plates. I put a croissant on each plate and then bring them out. I put a plate in front of Marie and one in front of Herc. I place my plate down and go back out to the kitchen and pour two glasses of milk and put Marie's in a sippie cup so she wouldn't spill it. I bring it out and hand Herc his and then hand one to Marie.

"Je vous remercie!" Marie said and took a sip of her drink. I smiled proudly and sighed. "Je vous souhaite la bienvenue mon ensoleillement." I say and ruffle her hair. I look over at Herc and he smiles brightly at me. I walk over and give him a kiss on the cheek. I sit down and take a sip of milk.

"Marie, you should try it first." Herc said and Marie giggles and picks it up. She slowly takes a bite and then hums. "Its weally gud!" She said with her mouthful. "Marie, no talking with you mouth full." I say and she nods. "Désolé papa." She said and looked down. "C'est bon soleil!" And she perks back up and takes another bite. Herc and I laugh and take a bite as well.

"It's really good! You guys did a good job." Herc says after he finished chewing. "Oui! You did a good job ensoleillement!" I say and she smiles brightly at us.

We soon finish eating and then we all head back upstairs. We all get in bed and snuggle up together, deciding to just sleep in.

Marie snuggles in between Herc and I and I smile. I love both of them so much. I am so proud of my little family. I smile and pull Marie and Herc close and doze off into a peaceful sleep.
I hope you enjoyed this super-super fluff-tastic chapter! I love you all and Au Revoir!

Your Obedient Servant,

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