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What's so extraordinary about tea? Why should I drink it?

There are hundreds of reasons why, but I will only name some of the most important reasons. First of all, Millions of Americans suffer from health related problems such as heart disease, diabetes, indigestion etc. What do all of these issues have in common? A disproportionate diet. With all the caffeine, cholestrol, sodium, sugars, fructose syrups and dozens of other componets we do not look our for, we damage out bodies because we forget that too much of anything is a bad thing.

Fourty eight percent of Americans drink soda on a daily basis. Sixty four percent of Americans drink coffee everyday of the week. Society seems to not realize how much water we need in our bodies every single day in order to stay hydrated and healthy. Not only does drinking tea mean that you drink more water, but it can also be medicinal, promoting all types of health benefits for you and your body.

You can choose caffeinated, caffeine free, sweet or unsweet, steaming hot or icy cold, bold or light in flavor. With all these options, it's almost hard to believe that only thirteen percent of Americans drink herbal tea. Isn't it strange? When you notice credible statistics on how many people are ill from poor diet and compare it to the lack of health conscious consumers, you can then put two and two together. Consuming tea consistently can increase your ability to lead a happier and healthier life, without all the headaches and fatigue. All tea has high levels of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which balance out your PH levels, making you feel more alert, energize or relaxed depending on the herbs used. Universally, humans suffer from sicknesses or pains on occassion. This is another reason tea is wonderous! It is often used for holistic purposes. Sinuses clogged? Some peppermint or spice teas can open up your passage ways. Menstrual pain? Cramp bark, ginger root and raspberry leaf are great herbs to help ease pain. There are honestly herbs for for just about any issue you can think of.

It does wonders to detox your body from all the extra, bad stuff in sodas, energy drinks, coffee etc. As I had once stated, too much of anything is a bad thing. When you in take too much caffeine, it can cause: stomach pain, indigestion, headaches, fatigue, fainting and even heart problems. Your body can also experience what is called a "crash". A caffeine crash is when you become lethargic and have a hard time staying awake. It can cause you to feel anxious, nervous, shaky or even struggle to exercise or breathe. With herbal tea, you typically do not have to worry about a caffeine problem, unless you are pregnant or are diagnosed with an auto-immune disease or allergy. Some herbs can bother people with certain conditions.

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