Chapter 13: I Don't Know How To Feel

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"Are you sleeping over?" I ask Noah.

"No actually," he said.

"Aww," I whined. "Why not?" Gemma is taking us to the concert tomorrow, and we have to get up early for the long drive. And since the concert is gonna be over at around ten, we're staying at a hotel. I'm excited. Really excited.

"Because me and Heather are going to watch the stars together. She's coming over at six and we're gonna watch a movie and eat, then go watch the stars." Noah turned to face me, and smiled. He really likes her, and I understand that, but I'm still jealous and hurt.

Ever since my birthday, he's been hanging out with Heather Smith very often. At school, when we'd walk into school together and Heather would stop us, talking to Noah and completely ignoring me. After a few days, I got tired of Noah just stopping our conversation to talk to her, so like the loner I have always been, I walk to my own lessons.

Sometimes though, Noah will hang out with Heather at her house, or she'll go over to his. To say I'm not jealous would be a lie. He's my bestfriend and this girl that hates me is taking him away. I'm jealous because I feel like he spends more time with her than me.

"Oh. That's cool." Not really. "Why are we were sitting on my couch eating junk food and watching movies if you're gonna have to leave in a bit so you could do the same with Heather?"

He shrugged. "This is what we always do."


"Yes, yes, what do you want?" I asked, turning down my music while breathing heavily, taking a seat on my bed. Harry had called me, and we were okay, I guess.

"Er, what were you doing?"

"I was jamming out," I answered, laughing at what he must have thought, "because mum is out, and Noah actually told me he didn't need me to watch the stars with him anymore because Heather Smith could do it now, so I'm I'm singing loudly and obnoxiously."

"Heather Smith, as in the girl that you complain about all the time?" He asked confused. So I may have told, no, I ranted, about how much I don't like Heather and why to Harry when he first came back for the holidays.

"Yes Haz." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh. I smell jealousy."

"I would lie and tell you I'm not jealous, but I am so jealous. He could have liked any other girl, but he picked Heather, the girl that hates me; the girl that I would like to slap with a brick; the girl that needs to give birth with no one around except Niall Horan. I don't like how she's stealing my only friend away from me, and I don't like that he puts me second now. Though I'm happy he likes her and all, I wish he would have picked someone else." Harry laughed making me groan. "This isn't funny Harry. I'm gonna grow old with no best friend and die lonely."

"I was laughing because of your Niall reference, because that's just hilarious, love, though I don't know how you know about it. But I understand why you're jealous."

"Than what do I do? When he was telling me about their first date, I just wanted to slap him, because honestly, after hearing about him kissing and cuddling with that she devil, I had enough. He likes to talk about her, all the time. Haz, I need help." I laid back on my bed as "You Need Me Man, I Don't Need You" by Ed Sheeran played softly. One hand was on my forehead as the other one was gosling up my phone.

"Why don't you tell him how you feel?"

"That's a great idea," I said sarcastically. "Anything else?"

"No. Why don't you ask Gemma, or your mum, or mine? They're probably better at advice than I am."

"Blame yourself," I giggled. "You're the one that decided to call me. But anyways, I guess I will just act happy and not say anything."

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