Chapter 20: Noah

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I walked into school alone. My mum dropped me off and I walked to the front doors with my head down, knowing very well that I could get victimizes by anyone. It's so different walking alone again--I'd already gotten so used to Noah walking with me.

Yesterday, after Noah had left, Harry basically catered to my every request. He saw that I wasn't happy, so he went out and got me strawberry cupcakes that I love from the bakery. Harry even went and rented a couple of movies, and when I asked, he even made me food. He talked to me about the Noah situation as well. I can't be more thankful for Harry, and I even told him that yesterday.

As I walked to my locker, I noticed that I already have people whispering about me. The attention is something I don't need, especially because it's caused by Harry. I know he was just trying to help, but because of him, people can't seen to take their eyes off of me. Can't they just talk behind my back like they usually always do? It would be very much appreciated.

"Excuse me," I heard. I turned around to see a girl -- Kendra Hall -- looking at me as if she were scared that I might do something to her. I don't know why. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

"For what?" I asked.

"For never reaching out when Heather Smith was horrible to you," he told me. Oh, she's apologizing. Huh. Funny how she's doing it now when almost everyone in the school knows that I have some type of connection with Harry. "I should have said something, but I was scared that she would do the same to me. I'm really sorry and I hope you can forgive me."

"It's okay. I forgive you." Kendra Hall never did anything to me but watch and laugh with everyone else. Sure I'm going to say that I forgive her and everything is okay, when really, she's just like everyone else. Kendra nodded and tried giving me a smile before walking away.

Going back to what I was doing before Kendra talked to me, I turned to my locker and opened it, grabbing my spirals and books needed for history and English. They were my first two lessons of the day. Unfortunately for me, both Heather and Noah were in the first lesson; Noah is also in my second lesson.

"So nice of you to join us again Emerson," Mrs. Wilson said as I walked into history. That caused the attention of the classroom to turn to me. I didn't reply, simply just nodded and walked to my assigned desk. I ignored the looks from people, especially Noah who sat on the right side of me. But I didn't have to look his way to see that he was looking at me--I felt his eyes on me.

The bell rung right as Heather walked into the classroom.

"Take your seat Ms. Smith, quickly," Mrs. Wilson demanded, shutting the classroom door behind Heather. I am lucky that Heather sits at the back of the room, far away from me.


The day dragged on: people were obvious when talking about me; every lesson I had with Noah, he would try and get my attention; each lesson I had with Heather, she would just glare at me; girls would ask me to get Harry's autograph for them; I ate lunch in the loo; some boy "accidentally" tripped me (he's one of Heathers toys who'd do anything for her). My day, in one word, is: shit. It was absolutely horrible.

Walking out of the school, I walked with my head down and my arms crossed as I tried avoiding any contact with anyone.

"Emerson, wait!"

I kept walking because talking to Noah would only lead to me forgiving him, and I bet he knows that; he knows how easy I am to forgive because I can't hold a grudge or stay long at anyone for long. That's a trait I hate about me.

"Emerson!" Noah grabbed my shoulder, spinning me around to face him, but I kept my head down. I'm not speaking--not gonna say a word. "I broke up with Heather."

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