Chapter 16: Nights a Bust Anyways

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Me: how's your day been ?

Potter: good. what about you?

Potter: how's school?

Me: meh, it's been okay. Schools okay as well I guess.

Me: I miss you, a lot.

Me: when are you coming back again?

Potter: tell me about it, and I miss you too Emmy. x

Potter: I should be back in a week or two

Me: I'm at Noah's house. He demanded I stay so I can get to know his girlfriend, but everyone except for Noah knows she hates me 😕

Potter: I know you're jealous, so maybe she doesn't actually hate you

Me: I am jealous, but I know for a fact she hates me. If she didn't, I doubt she'd leave me notes telling me how worthless I am

Me: they kinda died down as soon as Noah and her got together

Potter: 😦 erm, what now ?

Potter: Em

Potter: tell me

Potter: I see you reading my messages

Potter: have you told your mum ?

Me: don't go there. Don't get all protective. I can handle myself. Just, I feel so uncomfortable


Potter: I can't help it

Potter: then tell them to stop 😂

Me: I'm leaving his house. Heather didn't bother trying to talk to me, she hates me. Noah has only said two words to me since Heather had showed up and he told me he wouldn't push me off to the side, but he has and OH MY GOSH HAZ THEYRE SO LOUD

Potter: look, I think you need to tell him how you feel

Me: I feel like Heather is a bitch and he's such an adorable puppy who deserves someone as sweet as Taylor Swift. But I can't tell him that or else I'll lose my best friend

Potter: ...

Me: and plus, I tried telling him this afternoon when you had called me. It didn't work out. He told me that I hadn't "officially" met Heather and we needed to meet because he couldn't have his bestfriend and his best girl not knowing each other (idk why though because she had stole him away from me at the gates of the school so many times)

Me: hehe sorry, but Taylor looks like a total sweetheart. Sorry haz

Potter: you know, every time you talk to me about Noah, you make him seem like he's not your bestfriend because he's either ditching you or pushing you off to the side

Me: it does seem like that, doesn't it ?

Potter: when I get back, I want to meet Noah

Me: no

Potter: why not?

Me: Heather is a huge fan, like mega. Harry, she's very unholy when it comes to you especially. Noah knows (about her being a fan) so if he met you, he'd do everything in his power for you to meet her. I don't want that to happen.

Potter: 😮

Me: I'm not sorry. I'm selfish, and I am not sorry.

I looked up from my phone, seeing as the noises from Noah and Heather have stopped. Maybe they thought making out in his bed room is better than doing it right in front of me. Or maybe Heather pulled his out side to talk. I don't know.

"Who have you been texting?" I jumped at the sound of Noah's voice. I didn't have to turn around because he walked over to sit beside me.

"Where's Heather?" I asked, putting my phone down in my lap.

"She went home," he said, leaning his head on the end of the couch. "So, who have you been texting? You're phone keeps going off every minute, and it's been happening for the past two hours. You and Heather didn't even talk."

Huh, I didn't notice. Time flies.

Potter: I feel flattered, in a weird way

I laughed lightly.

Me: I meant for you to

"Emerson?" Noah waved his hand in front of my face.


"You basically ignored Heather. You didn't talk to her at all because you've been on your phone the whole time," he said, huffing. "This was suppose to be a time for you guys to get to know each other. That was kinda the whole point of you staying for our night."

I mentally rolled my eyes.

"I didn't ignore her. I said hi and tried to be polite, but she choose not to say anything. Like I said, she doesn't like me, and when she didn't make an effort like I did, I decided to stay quiet. We were watching a film. You're suppose to be quiet." When she first arrived, I plastered a fake smile on my face and welcomed her, offering a blanket, snacks, anything. She was the one who choose to ignore me. If she was going to be like that, I was just going to stay in the background.

"And plus, it was suppose to be our night. Just the two of us. No interruptions this time, but Heather came over. But as soon as she did, it's like Emerson is pushed to the side," I added, getting up from the couch. It wasn't that late, yet I feel like so tired. The only thing that kept me up through the movie was Harry's constant messages and the fact that Heather Smith was five feet away from me.

"Whatever," Noah mumbled, rolling his eyes. "You were on your phone the whole time."

"Yeah, because I felt so awkward and uncomfortable. With you guys making out, I had to talk to someone just so I wouldn't feel ... what's the word?" I bit my lip trying to think, but shook my head and waved a hand to dismiss the thought. "You wouldn't talk to me. Heather didn't bother looking at me. I was just here. I told you I didn't want to be here, but I was because I care for you. But anyways, I'm leaving. I stayed for a movie -"

"But Heathers not here," Noah interrupted.

"Yeah, I know," I said nodding. "But I'm still leaving."

"I'm sorry Em."

"You don't even know what you're sorry for Noah," I laughed, knowing very well he was just saying that. He's one of those people.

He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"I'm heading out. Bye!"

"I'll walk you home," Noah offered.

"No need. I'm a big girl. Thank you though."

"Oh - okay then, bye." He got up from the couch and moved towards me for a hug.

He blamed me for the night - I don't think so Noah.

I put my hand out, stoping him and shook my head. "Uh, no. I'm kind of aggravated with you right now."

I grabbed my jumper from the couch and started towards the door. This night was a bust, I just couldn't wait to get home and be in my own bed. Or maybe I'd have my own movie night and stay up in my room watching movies alone. That is if I don't fall asleep immediately.

"Bye!" With that, I walked out the door.

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