Chapter four. (:

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~About Two weeks Later.~

Harry's P.O.V.

I was in me and Louis' flat when the doorbell rang, I didn't know who it could be it was probably for Louis anyway, I waited a minute to see if Lou would come to the door, but he didn't. I was dressed in big baggy sweatpants and some random shirt. my hair was a big tangled mess probably because I've been laying around all week because of Kylie. 

I got up and walked over to the door and pulled it open slightly to look outside and see who it was. It was Niall

"Hey Harry, how are yah feeling?" I told all of the boys that I was sick, because I didn't want them to know the real reason.

"I'm okay."

"H-Have you seen Lou? He was gonna help me pick out what to where tonight when I'm on my date with Kylie. Ermm, I think I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend."

"Yeah, he's upstairs I think,"

"oh thank you! Maybe we should all go out tomorrow night or something.." Niall suggested, 

"yeah... Maybe.." I finally said. He ran up the stairs and I plopped myself down in front of the telly. 

What if she says yes, what will happen then with us, maybe me and Kylie actually have a chance at being friends again.... maybe. I really hope so. Me and her are over now. She hates me, and I don't like her. Nothing more. 

I decided on just laying down tonight and watching the telly. It felt like I was asleep for two minutes until I heard the door swing open. I heard a familiar Irish accent. "LOUIS, SHE SAID SHE WOULD BE MY GIRLFRIEND."   My heart dropped. Then  I heard Louis asking questions about the date like, 'Did you kiss her' "how did you ask her' 

I just blocked it out and went back to sleeping on the couch. 

I woke up the next morning feeling like shit. Everything was just terrible, my back hurts from sleeping on this sofa, Niall's girlfriend is my ex-girlfriend, and on top of that, Lou is helping Niall with Kylie. usually he is the one to be helping me. I tell him everything, but this is the one thing I can't tell him. 

Kylie's P.O.V.

Is it just me or when you wake up is everything a blur... vision wise. Well it's probably just me because I'm almost blind. I search for my glasses on my nightstand. 

12:59. Three texts. 

Niall Horan  :

Hey babe! wanna do something tonight. Maybe walk around London for a little while, or we can just chill at my flat?

I replied: 

Hey Niall , i don't know what I'm doing later but can I call you later. 

And there was two texts from my best friend Autumn: 

gurll where have you been. I've been missing oyu down here in cali. come home soon doll.

oh and btw, call me tonightt. I MISSS YOU LOSER.

I replied:

I'll be back in two weeks okay & I will call you later i meet a new guy , you need to here about him . love youu :*

 Yes I am the Kylie Brown. My mother is Aurua Jones, one of the biggest fashion designer and owns three makeup outlets. My father is James Brown,  a famous actor. I'm from California, I've grown up there. six months ago I came here so I could look at the schools for art& interior design. I',m staying in my Aunt Lily's apartment, and I am going back to LA in two weeks, because i haven't found anything I like here. I got a job at Starbucks so I had something to do all day instead of being lazy and chilling out at home. Niall doesn't know any of those things about me, and I don't plan on telling him just yet. On the other hand Harry does, he might just tell Niall all that stuff, he is the biggest yerk I know. but knowing Harry, he probably won't even tell the boys that we even know each other. 

I've been fallin' for your eyes, but they don't know me yet.(;Where stories live. Discover now