Chapter 5 | To Hell With Propriety

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¡THIS IS NOT MY STORY! The story was make by nyxblack on


Hermione can hardly resist the urge to roll her eyes as she watches the Minister and Undersecretary flail about the room, voices raised, skin stained red and purple as they bellow to the assembled members within the conference room, attempting to bring order back to the meeting.

The knowledge of Grindelwald's escape unnerved her, sending a spike of worry through her senses but she was far more concerned about their current predicament and the obviously unstable parliament of the late 1920s.

She sighs, taking a quick glimpse of Newt out of the corner of her eye; he's shuffling awkwardly from foot to foot, eyes darting between his brother and her. A sliver of guilt creeps along her spine, and her expression softens a hint.

All my fault. Her subconscious whispers. Taking advantage of the distracted Minister, Hermione turns on her heal swiftly heading to the back of the conference hall.

The Aurors surrounding Theseus and Shafiq mask their surprise underneath duel ready stances, wands held firmly in their hands.

As she nears, Newt hot on her heels, Hermione stops a few feet away with raised hands, showing that she means no harm.

Theseus looks at her like she's mad; she's tempted to roll her eyes in retort.

The Aurors shift uncomfortably, eyes darting about the room looking at anyone but her. Head Auror Shafiq looks disappointed at his subordinates' lack of spine.

Can't say I blame him.

Eventually, one of them fathers the courage to step forward. Hermione sizes him up, noting his weary gaze and the noticeable bags under his eyes.

"Apologies, Ms. Granger," He says with the slightest of nods, eyes flickering over to Newt, "Mr. Scamander. Although we do not agree with the Minister's orders, we cannot allow you to leave the hall."

His fellow Aurors slide beside him, wands aimed at both Hermione and Newt.

At least they've recognized he's a threat as well. She tsks.

"That's fair. However, I'm not leaving. I would, on the other hand, advise against shackling Newt or me again." She says with a quirk of her brow, steady gaze sliding over each one of them.

"Why is that?" A young Auror asks with a surly, sneer curving his thin lips.

Spoilers. The word sits on the tip of her tongue but doesn't leave her lips. Her lips curl into a smirk as she meets the surly young Auror's gaze head-on.

"I'll just pick them again and do the same for Newt." She states, restraining a sigh as Theseus seems to be on the verge of laughing; eyes pulled tight, mouth twitching like a rabbit's nose as his shoulders shake. "More to the point, why are two of your own shackled and bound?" She asks, voice steady.

The older man, the appointed leader slides his wand back into his the holster, deciding that Newt and Hermione would keep their word. One by one, the rest of the Aurors follow their impromptu leader's example, though a handful still hold their wands steadfast in their hands.

"Orders, ma'am."


"Yes, ma'am."

"Of course." Some of the men's lips twitch at her exasperated tone. "Auror Scamander here I can understand. After spending some time with the man, I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that he's a troublemaker, not to mention his relation to Newt. But Shafiq, here, is your Head Auror. Why, in the name of Merlin, was he bloody and bound when we returned to the Main Atrium?"

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