Chapter 8 | Leta Lestrange

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¡THIS IS NOT MY STORY! The story was make by nyxblack on


The silence is suffocating. The warmth and laughter filling the ancient drawing room within Potter Manor gone. The building's warmth swiftly snuffed out by the weight of the questions bearing down upon their heads.

With a soft sigh, Hermione's tired brown eyes fall on Newt's bound, and silently fuming form. A small smile pulling at her lips, the corners of her eyes softening ever so slightly. Although she loathes to admit it, Hermione understands why she is still bound to the chair.

A mysterious woman they knew little about, with an intimate knowledge of their family and most guarded secrets. That would raise a number of alarm bells for any intelligent wizard. Plus, her tendency to possess wands that were not hers does little to help her case. More to the point, one of said wands belongs to a dead man, and the other is virtually drenched in residual dark magic. Thankfully, Henry hasn't seemed all that eager to share the strange experience which occurred after entering the grounds, involving the family magiks and Hermione's own. All the same, it is certainly a struggle to paint her in a positive light, a fact that Newt quickly learns.

Despite Newt's defense on her behalf, they deemed it to be far too great a risk to allow Hermione free range within their ancestral home. Both Theseus and the Potters agree that Newt is no threat to themselves. But in response to their offer for his freedom, he made it abundantly clear that if they refuse to release Hermione, he will do everything in his power to get them out of there, he truly meant everything. Considering his normally gentle and light-hearted attitude, he seems to be taking a great deal of pleasure in describing exactly how he would pull off their escape.

One of his more interesting plans involved a horde of Garden Gnomes and a Jarvey. Even through her laughter, Hermione can't help but notice the way the corners of Newt's eyes seem to pull tight at the mention of the Jarvey, as though an old memory is causing him pain.

Casting a curious glance across the room, she notices that he isn't the only one reacting oddly. Both Theseus and Henry seems to find the carpet awfully interesting as Euphemia's girlish, good-natured laughter continues to fill the air, even after Hermione and Fleamont had calmed.

Hermione bites down on her lip in thought, rapidly shuffling through the shelves upon shelves of information and facts stored deep within the recesses of her mind. A curious look crossing her face as she finally lands on the information regarding the Jarvey.

Jarvey, a creature resembling an overgrown ferret and is commonly found in Great Britain, Ireland and North America. Capable of human speech and sometimes employed to De-Gnome gardens, though their methods were extremely brutal.

XXX classification, if Hermione remembers correctly. Most interestingly, one of the few creatures native to Great Britain that was not included in the first edition of Newt's book. It stands out the most with Hermione, even now she can't shake the sense of foreboding. Curious and worried brown eyes boring into Newt's fuming form.

It didn't escape her notice that Newt is now refusing to meet her gaze.

This is getting them nowhere. Henry thinks with a sigh; he discreetly shifts his weight from side to side.

There was enough tension in the room before Newt had gone ahead and brought up a number of difficult memories by mentioning the Jarvey, but now it's even worse. The only parties unaffected and unaware of the current situation seem to be his son, daughter-in-law and the mysterious Ms. Granger, to a much lesser extent.

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